Conversations with a twelve-year-old are rarely dull. They can range from hilarious to bizarre to adorably thoughtful and sweet. Yesterday afternoon I had a hilarious exchange in the car with my own twelve-year-old.
Background information: A couple of years ago, he LOVED the color pink. When pink was available for choosing from colors, he would pick it right away. He walked around saying “Pink is PiN-pin'” (Like “Pink is Pimping”, only with an ‘n’.). He thought he was very cool. Then, as you would expect, he dropped the color pink like a hot potato once he got to middle school.
Flash forward to yesterday in the car. We were driving home and saw one of our neighbors (a man) wearing a bright pink t-shirt. The twelve-year-old said, “HA! He’s wearing pink!”
Me: “So?”
Him: “Boys aren’t supposed to wear pink.”
Me: “Why not? What’s the big deal? It’s just a color.”
Him: “It’s a girl color.”
Me: “No, it’s not. I’m wearing a blue jacket. Should I not be wearing blue because I’m a girl?”
Him: “No, you’re fine. That is LIGHT blue.”
Me: “Who made up these supposed rules about color??”
Him: “WELL, I learned in second grade that only girls are supposed to wear pink and boys are supposed to wear DARK blue.”
Me: “What happenned to that rule a couple of years ago when you were all into the pink? Wasn’t that fifth grade?”
Him: “Yeah, but I was cool. I was bucking the system.”
Hehe did he really say that? That is soooo funny
That was the summer he made up the word, “Pimpink'”, as in, “Big Pimpink”, as in not ‘pimpin’, but pimpink. He’s a pimp, that one.
LOL! Looks like you’ve got a negotiator on your hands. Good luck with that…;)