Melissa asked me to share how I make latkes/potato pancakes, and I am happy to oblige. Be forewarned, although this “recipe” is about the easiest thing you’ll ever do, there are no exact measurements, so you’ll have to experiment for yourself…
Many people grind up their potatoes so they are creating almost a traditional batter for the pancakes. We, however, like the texture of a more “hash-brown-ish” latke.
By the way, there are some photos of these latkes here, if you want to read up on our Hanukkahpalooza from a couple weeks ago.
Ready? Okay, go:
1. I start off with a big bag of russet potatoes. I wash them really, really well because I don’t remove the skin; I use the whole potato.
2. After washing them really well (did I mention you should wash them really well?), I plug in my Cuisinart and put the shredding blade in.
3. I shred enough potatoes to fill up about 3/4 of a large mixing bowl (again, the size of the bowl only matters because I’m telling you how I do it. Of course you can make more or less.).
4. Now I shred either 2 medium-sized yellow onions or one super big one, and add to the potatoes.
5. Here’s where guessing and personal preference come in: It’s time to add some eggs and flour. I start with about 3/4 to 1 cup of flour and, oh, let’s say 5 eggs. Just crack them right over the potato/onion/flour mixture.
6. Using your wooden spoon (I always use a wooden one; I don’t know why: it’s one of those quirky things!), carefully mix this stuff all up. Normally, after I’ve mixed it all really well, I look at it to see how well-coated I think the potatoes look. It’s hard to describe exactly what I’m looking for, but I’m doing my best here: I want the mixture to LOOK moist, but also somewhat held together. Usually I end up adding another egg or two and another 1/2 cup of flour or so.
7. Get your oil going in whatever pan you’re using. Make it nice and hot!
8. When the oil is ready, spoon out the mixture into the pan, flattening the pancakes as much as possible. I used to make them thicker, but they didn’t always get as hot as I wanted them to inside (and they got too done on the outside). If you flatten them out and not try to make them so thick, they will get nice and crispy on the outsides and will taste good all the way through.
9. When you turn them, make sure you still have enough oil in the pan, unless you don’t care if the second side is brown. (I do!!!)
10. Serve with sour cream, applesauce, or whatever!!
Any questions? Just let me know. I hope I explained it so it’s understandable!
Melissa: There’s no half-n-falf in this recipe, but you’ll still like it, I promise! 🙂
sounds yummy…but, we are having the tradition jewish christmas eve dinner, tonight…chinese food!
have a great evening. i’m still hoping santa will take pity on this particular jewish girl and bring her a new car…hmmm…or, maybe, a reindeer?
btw…i’ll be updating my blogroll so…you’ll be there, soon
SSP: We normally wait until Christmas Day to get our Chinese food on…but the last couple of years haven’t been able to find an open restaurant! Wahhh! So tomorrow we’re cookin’ gourmet Italian, right here at the House of Jews. (Get it, Julie?? House of JEWS, not Jules! ha ha ha ha ha)
I hope Santa does bring you a new car…does he even visit your house? LOL
House of Jews…bwhhahhaa! Thanks for the recipe, I will give this a try on New Years.
We do Italian on Christmas Eve and ham on Christmas. As far as I’m concerned any food is good.
You rock! It only took me 12 months to finally use this recipe..but here it was when I needed it.
Latkes for everyone!