I finally did it.
I did what I have been “threatening” to do for weeks now.
I wore my tiara while I was teaching my spin class last night. (Go Wednesday!)
I had been telling the class about how I am a tiara-wearing girl, and that I think it’s important to be a Princess now and then, and suddenly two weeks ago, Linda (or “Wednesday”, as I call her–click “Go Wednesday” above to read about it) brought me the most adorable pair of tiara spin socks:
I subbed two classes yesterday morning for my friend Diane and although I always look forward to Wednesday night because it’s my favorite class, I thought that wearing a tiara ensemble would give me the boost I needed to make it through my third hour of working out.
So last night I wore the socks to class, and I put the tiara on as I started my playlist. Oh sure, it got a few nervous chuckles. After all, how many group fitness instructors do you know who can get over any kind of ego they have and put a sparkly tiara on their head for an entire sweaty hour of fun? (I’m the only one I know personally)
And I looked good.
After a while, we all forgot I was wearing it as we got down to the business of exercise. We were all hootin’ and hollerin’ like we always do, and the tiara took a back seat.
That is, until I realized that I was spinning stronger than I had in ages. It wasn’t how it should have been: I did a legs class at 8:30 in the morning and then taught a spin class. My legs should have been completely wiped out for the Wednesday 5:30 p.m. class…but they weren’t, for some reason. (Not to mention my tendonitis, which still gives me little fits when I stand on the bike)
I credit the tiara.
I suggested to everybody in class that they all get one before next week, but somehow I don’t think that will happen.
In case you need a little proof, I’m sure Deanna will come around reading this in the next day or two and she will indeed testify that I was the tiara-wearing Spin Princess for that entire hour. I also took a photo after class for your perusal:
So, to summarize,
If you do your next workout wearing a tiara, be sure and let me know how it goes!
*In case you’re wondering, I have not (yet) made a list of the first 40 reasons for wearing a tiara. But don’t be surprised if I do, eventually!
OMG Melisa you are hilarious! You go girl! Who would have thought that wearing your tiara would creat such magic.
I am yet to take that tiara on tour with me and believe me, one day I will ;o)
Hmm, do you suppose if I wore my tiara to the doctor the next time it might help?
I’m going to give that a try this afternoon when I ride my bike!
Momo Fali
If it will help me get my laundry done, I’m going out to buy one right now.
Kat: I think that would be a good project for everyone who has the Tiara-wearing Blogger badge, don’t you? I need a picture of you wearing the tiara at HBhaus, or in front of the Deutsches Museum…the possibilities are endless. 🙂
Melissa: Well, it certainly can’t hurt! LOL
Momo: It may not help get the laundry done faster, but you sure will feel pretty while doing it!
Melinda Zook
So cute. I think I need me some tiara socks! Maybe it will help me run the 1/2 marathon. I will take anything I can get.
insane mama
ahhh, the power of BLING
That is fantastic!!!! I think I’ll have to get me one of thos magic tiaras. My ass could really use one! 🙂
Awesome! If I were in your class, I would totally wear a tiara next week. I hope they all do.
Manic Mom
Oh no you dihnnnh! (how you spell that anyway!)
I’ve got beagle pictures to share with you!!! Sometime next week!
seems u r really into spinning and so are we. http://www.realryder.com take a look at what we came up with. It was the hit of the largest trade show in the fitness business IHRSA.
You can skip the stupid intro.
Steph, that’s so cool! I love the tiara.
And maybe the tiara is what I need to get my run up to 25 minutes. Where does one go to find a tiara anyway?
How cute are you! I fully believe every woman should have a tiara, and wear it randomly!!
I bet your class adored it, and you!
Kim M.
i LOVE that! It had the same effect on you that music has on me when I am working out — if a song I like comes on, then I work harder! And how funny that you only showed the top of your head…I shot some video yesterday (for a future blog post) of me discovering AIM toothpaste for the first time in months in the grocery store (it has become impossible to find!) After I shot the video I realized I had a terrible breakout and decided to re-shoot it by holding the camera with my left hand to reveal the non-breakout side of my face! Gotta run – – you go-tierra-wearing-girl!
angie goff
Hello from DC! I came across your blog thru my colleague Kim M! I love it … tiara now… how bout a spin session in h-heels?? That could be hazardous. BTW- RUBY is my ALL TIME FAVORITE NAME! My husband has already agreed to naming our first daughter Ruby!
Melinda: They would TOTALLY help, except for the fact that this pair of tiara socks is especially made for biking: they are really thin and if you wore them running, you would return home with bloody, blistered stubs instead of feet. Maybe you should stick with wearing a tiara on your head! LOL
Insane Mama: Ha! That sounds like a great slogan!
Mags: ROFL!
Stacey: Thanks! I’ll think about you next Wednesday at 5:30.
Manic! Well hello stranger! I’ll call you in the next few days!
Sean: I don’t know if you’re coming back here to see if I respond to your comment, but I went to the website to check out the bike. It’s pretty cool, but I’d have to see it in person. My first thought is twofold: only high-end health clubs will be getting them, and that the two clubs I teach for have a hard enough time maintaining the bikes we have, and more moving parts=more headaches for maintenance. I really think they are a cool idea though…
Michelle: Claire’s Boutique! That’s where I get ALL of my tiaras! ROFL
Rachel: Grab my Tiara-wearing blogger badge that’s in the left side bar: you have the attitude! Go girl!
Kim: I LOVED Aim toothpaste! (That used to be all I would use…) I will be looking for your post. We have to be approximately the same age: first Orry Main, and now this?? Hilarious.
Angie: Welcome! You have now made it my goal to get the entire news team from Washington DC channel 9 to read my blog on a regular basis! (LOL) You’re right about spinning in high heels: I wouldn’t recommend it…but it sure would LOOK good. 🙂
Next on the agenda: Tiaras for everyone in class! (even…heck, especially for the guys).
Every week, always a new adventure with Ms Melisa.
Linda (AKA “Wednesday”)
I may just need to take to wearing a tiara at work. I work with data every day and its tres boring. (The parts where I get to work in web design are much better, but that’s probably only 60% of what I do.) Maybe it will have super powers that will keep me from being distracted while I do my mundane work! Either that or someone will decide to hire me to read blogs all day long.
Since I was elected to the school committee yesterday, I think my first agenda will be that the girls on the board (me) need to wear tiaras when televised! Perfect! Thanks!
I suspected that aerobic fitness wasn’t all it was cut out to be. Head gear, that’s the answer!
oooohhhhhh, I want one of those!
me & them
I tested your theory on my twelve hour Hen’s night organization – and it worked! Although not wearing one of my three tiara’s specifically – I wore my new hair clip in the shape of a crown, covered in swarovski crystals – I felt the princess power!
me & them
I tested your theory on my twelve hour Hen’s night organization – and it worked! Although not wearing one of my three tiara’s specifically – I wore my new hair clip in the shape of a crown, covered in swarovski crystals – I felt the princess power!
me & them
I tested your theory on my twelve hour Hen’s night organization – and it worked! Although not wearing one of my three tiara’s specifically – I wore my new hair clip in the shape of a crown, covered in swarovski crystals – I felt the princess power!
Linda/Wednesday: The guys can wear CROWNS. (can you imagine? HOW FUNNY!)
Colleen: I can almost (*almost*) guarantee great results if you wear your tiara while working with data. Of course, I can’t guarantee that you won’t be ridiculed by co-workers, so I’d think long and hard before taking the leap on that one…
Sue: Totally! You’ll be tv-ready, instantly!
Meg: Yep, it works wonders! 🙂
Susie: Go to Claire’s Boutique! (or is it just called “Claire’s” now?) They have a great selection, from $5.99-$19.99. (ROFL that I know that!)
Katie: Of course I zipped right off to your blog to confirm my suspicion that “Hen’s Night” is Aussie-talk for “Bachelorette Party” and to see pictures. Oh my! That’s all I can say about that! (And that you’re looking pretty friendly with that ice sculpture…”