Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing today from the comfort of the front passenger seat of my car as my family is on the way home from a long weekend visiting family, because on long car trips there is little more to do than think.
Let me get to the point, since I have to do this in less than 1000 characters. I am wondering if your company, which I love (for the record), is ever going to make phone software that supports uploading photos directly to Facebook & Twitpic. All of the other carriers have it: why not you? This brings annoyance to me on a daily basis, but especially on vacations. I would love to have shared this photo with my friends. Or this one. Or this one.
Note that there were no links there. Because you wont let me upload photos to anything but my private US Cellular Online Album.
Please hire some new software engineers ASAP. I love your company in every other way, but this flaw is major for me and I dont want it to be the cause of our breakup. Thanks in advance. Love you long time.
Momo Fali
I feel your pain. This is going to kill me at BlogHer.
$5, *&^*(, *&^*( ?
Obviously US Cellular does not know how techy and tuned into the cyber world you are! They better get on it PDQ (pretty damn quick)!
I have Verizon and I can pretty much do whatever from my phone, it just takes a long ass time and usually tries my patience 😉
I hope that US Cellular hears your letter loud & clear!
this is exactly why i left USCell. my brothers and my mom still have it but they don't use much. i had to go over to someone else with more to offer.
maybe if they hear ya, ill go right back to them.
I'd feel your pain except that ummm — this should come as no shock to you — I don't know how to upload pictures either 🙂 Here's hoping you had a safe and uneventful trip back from TN!
Mr. Man
I understand cell phone company loyalty. I have been with T-Mobile for 12 years (they remind me of that fact every time I call, but I hope they are listening. You have an army of fans that would shut 'em down if they can't take care of our tiara-wearing princess.
On another note…you just HAD to end your post with "Love you long time" from Full Metal Jacket. LMBO!!! At least you didn't type, "me so horny". I'd be ruined for the day from laughing so hard.
If you do break up, just know that you shouldn't jump to Cingular aka "AT&T". You'll be trading one problem for 10 more.
But apparently T-Mobile is great, according to Mr. Man above, so you can always use that as leverage when negotiating for them to make these changes.
If you end up getting them where you want them, can you throw in, for me, changing the official name of the White Sox' park back to Comiskey?
surprised mom
Very nice letter. I hope they are reading and you get your wish.