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    I *LOVE* These Kinds of Issues

    I have a new television show to be obsessed with. I’ve been anticipating its premiere for a while now, and it finally happened on Wednesday. It’s called “Michael & Michael Have Issues”, starring Michael Ian Black and Michael Showalter. I’ve been a fan of the two since the days of “The State” on MTV (a post about that is coming up this week!). I started watching “The State” because I went to high school with one of the guys in the comedy troupe; he was two years behind me but made a huge splash onstage with my friends in the drama department; I was thrilled for his success right out…

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    A Rare Stroke of Genius

    Note: This post is part of Fatherhood Friday at Dad Blogs, where all the cool kids are hanging out. (Moms are welcome over there!) I *might* even have a column called “Teen Angst” there. Welcome to my visitors from DB; thanks for stopping in! I have *finally* figured it out. My kids, like so many other teenagers (and frankly, some adults!), are terrible at giving me phone messages. It is totally annoying to find out, sometimes days later, that someone called for me when I wasn’t home, especially if they asked for me to return the call. I tried telling the kids to avoid answering the phone at all if…

  • My Kid Has Mad Skillz,  Random Thoughts

    A Tale of Two Workers, Part Two

    If you’re a regular reader (thank you!), you know that Jim and I have raised two mostly unspoiled boys. We don’t buy them everything they want, and when it comes to most of their technology and other high-end items (computers, iPods, video camera, guitar, game systems), they have saved on their own and then made the purchases. We’re glad we did it this way for many reasons, not the least of which being that they really take care of their stuff. The younger boy, now fourteen, has really gotten the hang of this “saving money” thing. He has always relied on his allowance, monthly (during the school year) hot lunch…

  • My Kid Has Mad Skillz,  Random Thoughts

    A Tale of Two Workers, Part One

    The older boy is currently looking for his first “real” job. But let me back up from that for a moment. When he was three, we moved to our current town and I got a part-time job in the nursery of a health club. It was a great job for me (take note, moms of young kiddies!) because I got to take my kids to work with me AND I got a free health club membership. Back then, that nursery was hoppin’. I remember Martin Luther King Jr. Day that year: we had 52 kids in the one big room (with plenty of staff, but still!). It was chaos. I…

  • Friends,  Fun in Chicago,  Shameless Promotion,  Spreading the Bloggie Love

    Oh…Is There a Convention Going On Next Week?

    I hadn’t noticed. Alright, just kidding. I have noticed. I’m starting to get pretty darn excited about it but haven’t wanted to talk about it all the time on the Scrawl out of respect for those who aren’t able to go and those who could care less. I do feel the need to do one little bitty blog post about it right now (and maybe one after the convention), so indulge me this once (and then that second time), if you will. Thanks. ClothingNo, I don’t know what I’m wearing yet. I am no fashionista, yet I want to look nice. I keep reading about these women buying fancy shoes…

  • Family Fun,  Too Funny To Ignore

    O-nay Roblem-pay

    Shew. As you might recall, yesterday was the opening day for a movie that the 17 year old and I have been dying to see. If you don’t recall this (or are a new reader), you’ll want to get the background stories. Click here first, and then here. Go ahead, I’ll wait. So, we saw it. The end. Just kidding! I told you I’d keep you posted. Here’s what happened. I told the younger boy that he could invite a friend or two and go with us to the theater, but to a different movie (obviously). I would have felt like a mean mom, taking the older one to a…

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    Similar, But Without The Milk and Pepsi

    Well, the big day has finally arrived. In the tradition of duos like Hoda & Kathie Lee (not the real ones, the SNL version), Lucy & Ethel, Mary & Rhoda, Wilma & Betty, and possibly Laverne & Shirley*… Weaselmomma & I are livestreaming this morning at 10:00 Eastern (9:00 Central, and 7:00 Pacific, Tom!) Go to http://www.livestream.com/weatherkim and join in the fun! (By the way, you can go there earlier; Kim is on air before that time!) Hope you see us then! (ha ha, get it? FUNNY.) *Um, yeah. I’m not seriously comparing our skillz to these famous comedic duos. We will be a little funny, but chances are it’ll…

  • Amazing People,  Best Thing Ever

    Watch A Real Pro Make Us Look Totally Awesome

    Whoa. Seriously, this is tremendous. Watch this little promo that our favorite meteorologist, Weather Kim, made for our livestream tomorrow. (Don’t know what I’m talking about?? Click here, silly.) She is amazing. And by the way, though she told us 9:15 a.m. (central), which is what we’ve been telling you, she has apparently changed her mind and moved us up to 9:00 a.m. (central) I guess she can’t wait, either! Thanks Kim, you’re awesome!

  • Amazing People,  Best Thing Ever,  Friends,  Fun in Chicago,  Something That Could Change Your Life,  We Are An Awesome Couple

    We Have Potential! (For What? Too Soon To Tell.)

    Alright, alright, calm yourselves down. It’s finally happening, what absolutely nobody ever wanted you’ve all been clamoring for. That’s right, Weaselmomma and I are going to be live streaming a “talk show” (I put it in quotes because I am just not sure that we can call it that yet) this Friday. Weather Kim is being nice enough to hand over the keys to us for a little while, starting at 10:15 a.m. Eastern/9:15 a.m. Central. To watch (and participate in) “Suburban WoW”, go to http://www.livestream.com/weatherkim and be awed by the mess we’ll definitely make watch the awesomeness. Here’s a preview:

  • Confessions,  Do I Really Want My Readers To Know This?,  Too Funny To Ignore,  Travels,  UGH.

    It Was Either Laugh or Cry…

    I once wrote a post called “Hurling Was Never So Hilarious”, but I forgot about this other time which came to my mind over the weekend when we were in Tennessee when we were at Kate, Scott, and Bean’s house. Sidenote: I can’t believe how quickly it seems that kids grow. It seems like only yesterday that Bean looked like this, and now she looks like this: So grown up. (Well, sort of. For a kid. You know what I mean.) Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, hilarious hurling. Let me set it up for you. Summer 2006. I had accompanied Kate, Scott, and Bean on a trip to Europe.…