Well, now I’ve done it. I’ve started a review blog. I have thought for a long time about doing it, and I’ve really weighed out the pros and cons, and I just took the plunge. I learned alot about the ins and outs of review blogs at the BlogHer conference last month, and I’ve picked the brain of Liz, my Review Guru, until there was practically nothing left to pick. (Ask her. She’ll tell ya.)
So what I’m basically saying is that I did not just literally jump in without thought. This was not impulsive. I did some research. I’m going to do this on my own terms. I’m going to review products (& stuff) honestly, and I’m going to continue to blog with integrity. And I hope it is successful. (Fingers crossed!) I plan to keep it linked here, but separate, so if you want to follow it you can subscribe in a reader or feed. I’ll also be tweeting when I put a new post up there, just like I do for the ole’ Scrawl here.
My first official post over there is about my favorite BlogHer goodies. And I suppose you might want a link, huh? Here it is:
Suburban Scrawl Reviews & Stuff
That’s it for today! More tomorrow!
surprised mom
You go, girl!
Copycat 😉 You crack me up… so wanna share some of your intel? It's possible and doable, and I know you'll do it well!