As if we didn’t have enough to worry about these days, what with everything going on in the world and how busy we are all the time and all of the convenience foods that we devour because we don’t have time to cook healthy meals regularly, now we also have to worry about how technology is making it harder for us to fit into our clothing.
It seems like a no-brainer, you know? Just as the best way to lose weight is to get moving, the best way to gain weight is to…stop moving. And that’s what so many of us have done: we’ve just stopped moving.
Because of Twitter, Facebook, blogging, and e-mail, we (That’s the Royal We) spend alot more time sitting than we did a couple of years ago, and that’s not cool. 21st Century Living didn’t look like this in my head, really. I don’t think anyone really knew what to expect. A few folks had some great ideas, though…
Oddly enough, in the days before Twitter, Facebook, blogging, and e-mail, there were The Jetsons. Conceived by some super-genius creative types, this cartoon tried to show us the future the way nothing had done before. And, if you watch it these days, it’s even more amazing to see how right-on so many of the ideas were. The phones, the video conferencing, the dog on a treadmill, the instantly prepared food, moving sidewalks; we’ve got all of that. (Flying cars? Well, we do have hovercrafts, so we’re getting closer!)
The one area that Hanna-Barbera overlooked in their big, bright vision? The waistline. I mean really, check it out.
They totally got it backwards: the most physically-active characters on The Jetsons, Elroy and Rosie the Robot*, are the ones who were drawn a little on the heavier side. George, Jane, and especially daughter Judy are really quite svelte considering how little they have to move to get anything done.
Maybe, just maybe, since The Jetsons is set in 2062, we’ve got some great health and fitness technology ahead of us, to match all of our other modern-day conveniences. Hanna-Barbera may not have been telling their entire story!
In the meantime, I’ve got to get moving. No, seriously: I do.
Check out Weaselmomma’s take on this topic over at World of Weasels, and join us tomorrow for our Suburban WoW livestream; we’ll be tackling this topic among many others starting at 10 a.m. Eastern, 9 a.m. Central, 7 a.m. Pacific. For more info on that, visit our Suburban WoW blog!
*I know, I know: robots have no capacity to be heavy or slim because it’s all in the way that they are built, but humor me for the sake of this very creative post.
*In that case we should make a WeaselMomma robot.
Meeko Fabulous
Wow . . . I hadn't even thought of that! I hope exercise will be easier in the future! LOL
PJ Mullen
I think that means my next project will be to build a Twitter app where you have to exercise to maintain your internet connection. If you combine the two that would be some pretty sweet motivation 🙂
wow. crazy. never thought of that.
i am the diva
you've just given me a lot ot think about…
Maybe if I didn't like to eat while I typed…..
I relate more with Rosie! 🙂
You know? I think you're right. My waistline has gone to hell in a handbasket but i just noticed that my blogging, emailing, Facebooking fingers are nice and slim.
NYC Girl
So I'm thinking that when I get home tonight I should probably spend less time on Farmtown and more time playing my Wii Tennis game.
Now I feel guilty but it is also a good thing to get active. Thanks!
P.S. I'm so ready for my Jetsons car! 🙂
But here's the important question do they have cookie dough stores in 2062? If they do, there will always be an issue of waist size…especially for me… 🙂
I'm thinking that quitting my job will help. then I won't be sitting so much, I'll be getting stuff done. And maybe blogging a little more. Stupid desk jobs. Oooo I could garden! Yay! 🙂
And I'll never look at the Jetsons in the same way again.
OH! And how was the first day of school?
HA HA HA HA. I'm thinking that perhaps I need to spend MORE time on the computer, and then BOOM, you bring this bad boy out of the woodwork.
I'm pretty active (I know, you can't tell from the way I look, HAH!) but I could do more. So now you've inspired me to do more. And get out the 30 day shred again.
so so so true, isn't it?
Melisa with one S
WM: And a Melisa robot! Heck, let's make a couple of each; we'd get more done (and look awesome! haha)
Meeko: Personally I'm hoping for an "exercise candy". 🙂
PJ: YES! I was thinking of something along those lines, too. Can you imagine how totally fit we'd all be if we had to ride a bike, run, or swim to keep the internet going? Wait, I guess swimming wouldn't work for this purpose. Wait, it could! You could swim to *store* internet hours for use once you're out of the pool! Work on it!
Melissa & I am the Diva: I know, mind-blowing, huh?
Sue: Me too! Back away from the M&Ms!! 😉
Lceel: I have slim fingers too! haha I bet we all do!
NYCGirl: Jetsons cars ROCK. Can you imagine how fun will that be?
Melissa: I bet they will. But maybe they'll invent calorie free cookie dough that tastes just as good!
Michelle: Quitting desk job + more blogging=even. You're gonna HAVE to garden. 🙂 And the first day of school was great! (for me: haha) (seriously, for them too)
Heather: Ugh, the Shred awaits for me, too…
Andie: Yup. One of those things you don't really want to think about, but need to!
The Microblogologist
I want Melisa and WeaselMomma robots!
Perhaps I will have to do a little research on this subject, the weight/fitness one not the robot one ;).