Jim and I took a couple of hours today to clean up the basement and our crawl space area a little bit. Though we had a mighty mess going on, it didn’t take us as long as one would think to get it done, and I’m not saying AT ALL that it’s probably because we didn’t ask the boys to “help” us. At all. Not saying that. At all.
We have a small, finished basement and what ends up happening is this:
~The work area, which looks FABULOUS when it’s clean, gradually gets piled up with papers, packing supplies, photographs, CDs, and all kinds of other crap, to the point of not being able to see any flat surface.
~The long, wooden filing cabinet? Ditto. Mountains of junk on top.
~The air hockey table? Ditto. See where I’m going here?
~The Bowflex? NO, NO, NO. Although we rarely use it, it is always clear. I know; the reasons why are a mystery to me as well.
~The crawlspace? Ugh. That’s the catch-all for the stuff that isn’t caught in the rest of the basement. All of the stuff in the back crawl space (you know, the stuff that hasn’t been thrown in since our last cleanup) is neatly stored in plastic tubs.
Jim and I have been “wanting” to clean up for ages. Well, we’ve been wanting to do that as much as anybody really wants to clean up a basement. But today was the day. As we were pushing some containers around in the crawl space, something caught my eye in the bottom of one: our “Bop It” game.
Well, it’s a good thing that we were almost done cleaning up the area, because when I found that thing, it was all over. For me, the “Bop It” is like a cardboard box is to a toddler: hours of fun.
“Mooooom!!! Aren’t we gonna eat soon?”
“NO! I’m busy boppin’ it!”
(No Cyndi Lauper’s “She Bop” references necessary; that’s not what I mean, though it’s funny that we’re all thinking about that right now.)
Anyway, I played for about 25 minutes, much to Roxie’s enjoyment, and I remembered recently seeing two grown women just like me, Boppin It on the Ellen DeGeneres show. Fast forward to about 1:45 for the start of the game.
I’m happy: I have a clean basement and plenty of daylight left in which to Bop It.
Happy Saturday!
I know this comes as a shock… but when I got a box of games a few weeks ago, a Bop-It was in there, and I refuse to let anyone else place with it. It's my favorite game in there, and I play it all the time when I'm "working" and need a few minute break or distraction. Go you! 🙂
The Devoted Dad
I love no brainer games, especially those where you are trying to pry them out of the "person next to you's" hands because they are that fun. It is the active version of Simon! If only there was an online version so we could compete- maybe an internet take off of good ol' Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing- on second thought, maybe not 🙂 Jason
surprised mom
We had two Bop Its. One was a more advanced version . . . I think. The girls played for hours and it was accompanied by a lot of shrieking laughter. No, I don't know where the game is now. Maybe I should look in our basement (shudder)? We haven't cleaned it yet.
Sounds like you and your husband got a lot done! What an accomplishment!