When you’re feeling extra sloppity,
Or you spill something that’s totally gloppity,
Or your stuff goes flippity floppity
And you don’t feel like pulling out the big ole’ moppity
Don’t be a total dippity;
Tell yourself to get a grippity.
Stop those tears from being all drippity
And grab yourself the wipes that are wippity*.
*I was not compensated in any way, shape, or form by the makers of Wippity Wipes for writing this piece of garbage. Just sayin’.
Amazing. Your versity could have been worsity, but you pulled it offity with aplombity.
The Microblogologist
You are now on my list of favorite poets! Hehehe, I find this quite amusing =)
Tara R.
That was beautiful.
you are so cute, you crack me up! i hope you had a good weekend!
Momo Fali
But, you SHOULD have been paid. That? Was awesome.
Of course, in MY mind, 'ity', through word association, leads to titty, and now my mind is going to be stuck there all damn day.
Loved your poem I will make sure NOT to buy them.
Love Grandma W
House of Jules
Very Nice, how much?
Bee Tee Dubs: Their tagline is great! "It's like a spill never happened!" They might as well have a gold sticker that says it's the #1 clean-up aide for murderers.
NYC Girl
LOL! That's too funny! 🙂
You're right. That poem is terrible. I mean really terrible, but it still made me smile and laugh.
That was lovely. Really.