Although for once, we Chicagoans have no real reason to complain about the weather–we’re not in the wide “Snowpocalypse” area, for once–I’m quite tired of seeing nothing but grayness, and I miss the sun dearly.
For that reason, and to offer a ray of hope to my friends who are currently getting buried under as much as thirty inches of the white stuff, this blog will be in denial of winter for the next few days.
Welcome to the “Weather’s Better In The Bahamas” Series!
Close your eyes and imagine…
Wait, don’t. If you close your eyes, you wouldn’t be able to focus on this:
Try to stay warm until tomorrow!
©2010 Suburban Scrawl
This Belle Rocks
I'm over it, too. And we've only had snow once.
Winter needs to go! I'M OVER IT…most definitely. I need to live in that pic! 🙂
surprised mom
OVER IT! Way, way over it. I miss the sun, walking out the front door without a coat, hat, scarf and gloves on, not having to warm up the car for 10 minutes, not scraping snow and ice off of various surfaces, green and other colors outside, being able to throw the windows wide open, the smell of freshly mowed lawns . . . OMG I'm depressing myself. I'll move on …
Definitely not in snowpocolypse, but definitely over it. Give me a cute skirt, tshrit and some flip flops, I'm ready!!!
seashore subjects
Hope the sun peeks through for you soon.