• Jew Stuff,  Too Funny To Ignore

    How Justin Timberlake and Lady Gaga Saved The Jewish People

    We are learning about Passover in my 2nd grade religious school class right now (it begins at sunset on March 29), and I wanted to share something hilarious that my class did this morning. When I arrived at school I was really excited to find a Passover Mad Lib in my teacher mailbox. Kids who are seven or eight years old LOVE Mad Libs, and we’ve done one in class for Purim before, but never Passover, so I was eager to use it. What follows is the Mad Lib that the class created, with their crazy fill-in-the-blank suggestions in bold type. (P.S. I did NOT fill in any of the…

  • Food

    On Judging Books By Their Covers: Don’t.

    Just a reminder: You have only SIX DAYS LEFT to enter my $500 Visa Card giveaway, sponsored by Lincoln and the MKT. I know a bunch of you regular readers have not yet thrown your hat into the ring: WHYYYYY? I would totally enter if I could! Do it…for me? (Was that convincing enough? Click here for details.) Lately, I’ve been keeping track of what I eat on the iPod Touch I received for my birthday last November (thanks, Jim!). Keeping track of every crumb that goes into my mouth makes me think twice about my food choices. The last couple of days have been rainy around here, and instead…

  • Music,  Working On My Fitness

    This One’s For Huckdoll, But You Can Enjoy It, Too.

    Let’s try something new, shall we? First, right click on this and open it up in a new tab so it plays while you read. If you’re at home, turn it up too, why don’t you? It never matters much, what kind of mood I’m in before teaching a group cycling class. Once I plug in my iPod, press play, and crank up the volume as high as I possibly can without feeling like I’m going to blow out the speakers, the endorphins start flowing and I feel like I can conquer the world. Being an instructor also adds a different dimension to class. I won’t lie: there’s a great…

  • Food,  I'm Apparently Old.

    Driving Thru An Impromptu Fast Food History Lesson

    What is it about teenagers, thinking that their parents were practically born in the Stone Age? It is an unfortunate set of circumstances that led me to have to write, for the second time this week, about another instance in which I am accused of being older than the hills. To make it worse, the accuser wasn’t even one of my own children. Close, though: it was the younger boy’s best friend. I was driving the two of them home from scouts on Monday night, and I decided to stop for Shamrock Shakes for the three of us (plus Jim and the older boy), to celebrate the grand news we…

  • My Kid Has Mad Skillz,  Proud Moments

    BREAKING NEWS: It’s Official!

    Got the call yesterday! After winning the highest possible amount offered in their Fine Arts (Graphic Design) Scholarship program*, the older boy WILL be an incoming freshman at the college that smells like chocolate this fall! We’re psyched! *Many, MANY thanks to Aunt Julesie for helping him put together his kick-a$$ portfolio! ©2010 Suburban Scrawl

  • Friends,  Something That Could Change Your Life,  Spreading the Bloggie Love

    I’m Such A Clever Girl.

    Before I get to the cleverness, have you entered to win a $500 Visa gift card yet, on my review blog? No? What are you waiting for??? You only have eleven days left! (You’re not procrastinating again, are you? Go NOW. Click here. I’ll still be here when you get back.) In other news, I’m really excited today because I got the first e-mail, hopefully of many, from the Clever Girls Collective‘s “Clever 1000” group. This is a diverse group of people who plans to work with CGC. All of us have certain things in common: we’re passionate about the connections we make with others, enjoy using social media, consider…

  • Family Fun,  I'm Apparently Old.,  My Kids Have Mad Skillz,  Too Funny To Ignore


    I had an awesome conversation this afternoon with the boys. We went out together to run a few errands and, on the way home, passed our local “eat dinner and have drinks in the theater while you watch a movie” place. I mentioned that I’d like to go there sometime (it opened last fall and we haven’t been yet!), and the older boy said, “Yeah, you know, Christopher Lloyd was there recently and they showed ‘Back to the Future’; isn’t that cool?” I told him that celebrities go there all the time to make appearances. For example, Richard Dreyfuss was there a couple of months ago, for a special showing…

  • Do I Really Want My Readers To Know This?,  I've Got Mad Skillz,  Music,  Too Funny To Ignore

    Did Someone Ask For My Musical Resume?

    No? Oh. Must’ve been me. I am cracking myself up this morning and thought I’d share with you. Of course, by setting it up that way I am really hoping that I’m not the only one who finds ME so funny this morning.I had to write a bio for a little (okay, big) side project I am involved with which I am not giving you details on quite yet (but some of you regs may figure it out), and I thought it would be fun to post it here in its current form, in case I have to drastically change the final draft later on. Without further ado: Sadly, Melisa…

  • Something That Could Change Your Life

    PSA: If You Won’t Help, Then Please Don’t Make More Work For Those Who Do (or, Have You Thanked Your Local Volunteers Today?)

    I’m an enthusiastic sort of person. When it comes to doing something, I usually bring high energy to the table. I’m also a giver; I like to help out when I can. When I take on a task, I have attention to detail that goes to the point of annoying even myself. Finally, I just like to do a good job. It’s for that reason that I throw myself into whatever I take on, in addition to maintaining all of the other activities that are going on in my life. I don’t give up one thing in order to do another; honestly, I spread myself too thin about 90% of…

  • Uncategorized


    Before I begin, might I remind you that I’ve still got my $500 Visa Card giveaway going on? CLICK HERE. Do it. Unless you have oodles of cash lying around and do not NEED an extra $500, then absolutely don’t click there. Might as well leave it for someone else to win… At the end of January, I wrote about what was probably the most challenging time I’ve ever had in the workplace. The situation was beyond-stressful for me–I went home and cried on a daily basis–but I put on my rose-colored glasses (and my big girl pants), kept looking for silver linings, and did my best with what I…