And now, a vent.
My apologies. It had to come out of me at some point.
I haven’t spent much time online this week. I’m out of touch with Twitter, I’m unaware of my friends’ status updates on Facebook, and my Google Reader’s waistline is expanding by what seems like fifty unread posts every few hours.
In real life? I’m not keeping up very well either. I have a tremendous amount of activity going on over the next two weeks, and earlier today a migraine sidelined me until, well, about two hours ago when I made myself get up from my self-imposed two-hour bed rest, in order to push through and get some things done. (I even got a sub for my favorite spin class of the week, the Wednesday 5:30 p.m. I don’t give up that class lightly; that’s how bad I’m feeling today. GAH!)
Here’s what I’m doing in the upcoming days, in no particular order:
(This week:)
1. Lacrosse game to watch later tonight, if I feel like it.
2. Feature magazine article due Monday, for which I have not yet heard from all sources. Must work on that in every spare moment.
3. Blogger event tomorrow, one hour north of here.
4. Accompanying older boy to tux shop tomorrow afternoon, to get the tux fitted for prom and then…
5. Taking older boy’s girlfriend to the salon to treat her to a manicure and mini pedicure.
6. Suburban WoW livestream Friday morning.
7. Farewell lunch with Manic Mommy on Friday.
8. Prom pictures late Friday afternoon.
9. Picking up plants I ordered from a school fundraiser on Saturday morning.
10. Lacrosse tournament all ding dong day on Saturday (Weaselmomma! Wanna come for a game?).
11. Must cut grass and plant flowers and veggies Saturday evening (with Jim’s help).
12. Teaching Religious School on Sunday.
13. Picking up our Bike the Drive 2010 rider packets on Sunday at lunchtime.
14. Quite possibly helping with a dear friend’s son’s Eagle project on Sunday afternoon.
(Next week:)
15. Working Tuesday.
16. Heading up to Eli’s Cheesecake World on Monday for grad party desserts.
17. Teaching spin on Tuesday & Wednesday.
18. Cleaning like a maniac on Wednesday and Thursday.
19. Working on Thursday.
20. Relatives come in on Friday.
21. Grad party for older boy on Saturday.
22. Grad ceremony on Sunday.
23. Assess the damage from the relative-filled weekend after everyone leaves town; clean all over again.
24. Finish the last chapter and a half of my book, for goodness sakes!
25. Start contacting sources for my next feature article, due June 15.
All I know is, I don’t have time for a migraine. Blah.
Thanks for reading. Love you long time.
©2010 Suburban Scrawl
i am the diva
hang in there, lady!
HOLY POOP BATMAN. I remember when I used to jam my schedule so full of stuff. Ok just so you know. I am proud of myself for loading the dishwasher and starting a load of clothes today, and yes I too was struck down with a flippin migraine, but really, you might wanna consider prioritizing stuff and weeding out things that just seem to add more stress, enjoyable things are not fun when their a job not a journey. We get 1 trip in this whacky world, please enjoy it, you deserve to. Much love and hugs.
Meeko Fabulous
Oh dear me! You've got a whole lot on your plate. Sending good juju your way! X's and O's! 🙂
Take a deep breath and an Excedrin.
Saturday will depend upon the weather and the Weasels. Gymnastics and track in the morning, maybe one of the afternoon games will work.
As Cape Cod Turns
Dang girl that is one busy schedule!!!! Wish I lived closer to do a few things for you. At least you got us signed up for the wax party! Seems like your priorities were in order on that one. 🙂
Just the whole prom idea would give me a migraine if one of my kids were going. Yikes!
Glad you made yourself take a mandatory break this afternoon!
Smootches 🙂
you've got a ton on your plate, but if anyone can handle it, it's you! hope the migraine goes away and you can enjoy the next few weeks because they will fly by!
Hope the migraine's made itself scarce by now. Wow! You certainly do have more than enough on your plate. I'm a bit jealous though, I'd love to have graduation over with so soon. Ours is June 6th and it just feels like everything is getting so dragged out.
Hope you get to sit back and enjoy some of the moments to come, it will be over all too quickly.
Charlie on the PA Turnpike
For what it's worth, I can relate to that kind of schedule… and I have it easy compared to my much-better-half. For me, the answer is simple: give up any fantasy of getting more than 5 hrs of sleep each night.
insanity laughs under pressure we're cracking!
I got exhausted just reading your lists. I hope your is feeling a bit better. Get some rest if you can.
seashore subjects
Phew, I thought my week was hectic. I wouldn't change with you! Hope you are feeling better.
Okay after that list you don't have to do anything until the Fall!
#5….awww you are so sweet! i want to see PROM pics 🙂
Momo Fali
I hear you. I'm in a baseball, softball, track, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, wedding, graduation, jewelry party, sports banquet, breast cancer run, glob of a time suck right now. And, that's just the next four days.
Susan Helene Gottfried
Man, you ARE swamped. Where are the alligators??
Otter Thomas
I have no idea how you can do all that. You need a clone or two. You could have blogging clone and a parenting clone. Then you could have a fruity drink by the pool.
I can see why you'd have a migraine-SHEESH. Now you're making me feel like I should be more stressed (Kyle's party is Saturday, too.) And I'm sick. Good luck with your list (and your migraines!)
Damn girl, you deserve a drink (or ten!)
Hang in there!