Originally, tonight was going to be just an average Saturday evening at home. You know: dinner, tv shows or a DVD movie, the news, a few minutes of SNL, and then lights out. (We’re old.)
Not anymore.
Jim and I have a date tonight.
Pretty exciting stuff, sort of.
Sort of? Yes.
You see, the date doesn’t begin until we would normally already be in our jammies.
The older boy and his girlfriend have tickets to see Blue Man Group at 10:00 p.m.
Our family LOVES Blue Man Group. Jim and I have seen it so many times I’ve lost count: I think it’s up to five times. Maybe six. (And we always sit in the poncho section, which is the first couple of rows) Jim even dressed as a Blue Man for Halloween about eight years ago. The boys have seen the show three or four times. (Obviously, we highly recommend it!)
Anyway, the two of them were going to take the train to and from the city for the show, and then take a cab from Union Station to the theater (and back to Union Station). Then we checked the train schedule, and it turns out that there is only one train post-show, to bring them back to the burbs. One. Train. (Which leaves Union Station only about thirty minutes after the show ends, and then there’s that long cab ride from the theater, which isn’t near the train at all.)
That’s where Jim and I come in. We decided that one post-show train with very little time to catch it does not leave a very high margin for error, for two eighteen-year-olds (well, she’ll be eighteen in two weeks) who would be dealing with all of this transportation stuff for the very first time on their own. So we’re driving them to the city, dropping them at the show, and going to have a late-night date before picking them up and driving home. After midnight.
I’m excited to go on a date with my awesome husband, and I’m certain he’s excited about the date too.
But we never go out this late at night. I just hope we don’t fall asleep at the restaurant.
Fingers crossed!
©2010 Suburban Scrawl
How fun! I'm incredibly jealous of where you live. 🙂
Rebekah saw Blue Man Group and loved it–she was in the poncho seats too.
So, where are you going? Make me more jealous!
I don't think I've lived yet. I've never seen the Blue Man Group. 🙂
You guys are awesome parents for driving into the city so your older boy and his girlfriend can see Blue Man Group. You're clever as well for turning it into a date night. I hope you and Jim and the older boy and his girlfriend have a wonderful time. I'm sure you and Jim won't fall asleep. You're not that old . . .
I love Blue Man and have seen it at least as often as you – but you knew that already 😉
Enjoy your date night; can't wait to hear about it. You chose a great place. Next time, Le Creperie or Andalousus (sp) are other great choices down there! YUM!
Tara R.
I haven't seen the Blue Man Group either, but I would be in REM sleep before 10pm.
How was date night? Hope you and Jim had a great time as did older boy and his gf? Have a lovely sunday.
I hope you had a great time. I had a date night yesterday too. In your town no less. It was wonderful.