When One Door Closes, Another One Opens…

Since (and because) I’ve been blogging here at Suburban Scrawl, I’ve been given many opportunities to write in other places, for other audiences. One of those opportunities is at the top of my favorites: when Jill Asher of the Silicon Valley Moms Group called to tell me that my application to write for the Chicago Moms Blog was accepted and they were excited to have me on board, I was beyond thrilled, because I love Chicago, I love to write, and, uh, I’m a Mom. Perfect fit.

In the short time I’ve been a part of this fabulous group of women, I have attended a super huge event (which led to later, smaller-but-no-less-fun events), met some wonderful people, and contributed some fun posts to a great regional group blog. (And I’ve only been a part of it for about three months!)

When we got the surprise news that SV Moms Group was closing up shop, it was a total shocker, and very sad for everybody involved. I found myself feeling devastated, because even in the short time I was involved, I developed such warm and fuzzy feelings for this group: there’s a real feeling of cameraderie among the Chicago area Mom bloggers.

The great news is that I’m not the only one who felt like we had something special, and there’s something new coming to you from us Chicago Moms very soon: more on that later.

In the meantime, I want to send out a heartfelt THANK YOU to Jill and each and every person at Silicon Valley Moms Group for allowing me to be a part of something so very special. It has been, even as short as my involvement has been, one of the outstanding experiences in my blogging life so far. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


©2010 Suburban Scrawl


  • Heather

    That is such a bummer, but I hope you get a million more opportunities to show off your mad writing skills!

  • Lisa Hanneman

    Well said. I think all of us Chicago Mom Bloggers are in the best possible hands, though! We're lucky to have such a strong community.

  • Michelle

    *sniff* I'm going to miss it, but I can't wait for that window to open up really soon! 🙂

    Oooo my word is swincise. I feel like that should be an exercise term – can you come up with a definition?

  • Mrs4444

    You are a PERFECT mom for a Chicago Moms blog! Congrats. Can't wait to see what's coming.