The planters all over the towns we visited as well as the flower boxes hanging outside of the houses were exploding with gorgeousness. It was ridiculous.
(And by “ridiculous”, I mean “something I am way jealous of because I have a hard time keeping weeds alive”.)
I am super jealous of the green thumbed people. My thumbs are black. And bring death to whatever flowers I touch.
Gorgeous photos!
I have been there many times. It IS beautiful. I think its the culture. Most towns are clustered, and these boxes and gardens are part of what makes thier homes comfortable!
Meeko Fabulous
Ok, I'm with you on this one . . . those flower boxes are just ridiculous!
A Fellow Plant Killer
Patty@NYC Girl at Heart
They are great to look at but they must be a person with allergies worse nightmare.
I can only grow the bamboo plants 🙂 Only water! LOL