I can personally, officially verify with 100% certainly that Audi fulfilled at least one of their two promises. Though I have no way to verify they kept their word on the other one, I choose to believe that they did.
©2010 Suburban Scrawl
I can personally, officially verify with 100% certainly that Audi fulfilled at least one of their two promises. Though I have no way to verify they kept their word on the other one, I choose to believe that they did.
©2010 Suburban Scrawl
PJ Mullen
glad to see they lived up to their end of the deal.
Tara R.
That's the way to perform excellent customer service.
Audi is a class outfit. I'm not suprised they responded.
Must have missed that post. 🙁
what an awesome company! too bad there aren't enough ones out there like them!
Woot! We already told Sergej to go and check if they have removed it but he said he's condident that they did.
I meant confident, confident….I wish it was the weekend already 😉
Patty@NYC Girl at Heart
Very cool! It's nice to see a company do the right thing and hopefully the other part was done too.