Well, the people voted, and I’m happy to report that Kate McGroarty has won the once-in-a-lifetime experience of living at the Museum of Science and Industry for thirty days!
(This makes me intensely happy, because Kate was my pick!)
(Can I say that?)
(I just did!)
Kate’s win was announced at the Museum this morning while she and the other finalists performed a chemistry experiment (mixing hydrogen peroxide, dish soap and sodium iodide) that looked the same, but in the end it was Kate’s mixture that produced a huge chemical reaction, signaling that she was the Museum’s newest resident! (This is supposed to be on ABC World News Tonight with Diane Sawyer–tonight–if you want to check it out!)
Kate, who is a teacher and theatre artist, Minnesota native and 2008 Northwestern graduate who now lives in the Chicago neighborhood of Ravenswood—was the clear favorite with the public, garnering the top position after more than 20,000 online votes were cast in a week. She moves in on October 20th and will spend her month at MSI learning, teaching, and probably entertaining the crowds! (I’m hoping to get an interview with her at some point: I’ll keep you posted!) At the end of her Month at the Museum, Kate will take home $10,000 as well as a technology package.
The remaining four competition finalists— Alex Dainis of Mansfield, Mass.; Felix Jung of Chicago; Krispijn Larrison of Seattle; and Johnathan Wilson of Lake Charles, La., received consolation gift packages as well as a $100 gift card to CB2, a Month at the Museum sponsor.
You can follow Kate’s adventures on her MSI Facebook page, and, of course, on Twitter!
Congrats, Kate!