I’m in the middle of one of those whirlwind kind of weeks: today is my only (partial) day off and I’ll be working at Midwest Mania this weekend, just like last year*.
Jim and I were going through some old scouting pictures, and I think this picture of the younger boy on a winter camping weekend a few years back pretty much tells you all you’ll need to know about how I’ll be feeling by Sunday evening.
*Except that THIS YEAR, one of my good friends is working it with me! (SO EXCITED!)
©2010 Suburban Scrawl
He is indeed adorable. Hope you have fun getting completely exhausted. 🙂
How's the younger boy doing with all the attention?
hope the week goes as smoothly as possible. And be sure to remind me of this photo if I EVER consider winter camping for my boys!
Have a great time lady, but I hope you find time to rest too.
hahah yeah, he is adorable, but that sucks. why would you WANT to be that tired? (not a real question, i know you don't WANT to be that tired, but you know what i mean..)
You guys actually camp in the winter? Brrrr, I'm a-scared-a-yous!!!
PJ Mullen
Seeing that picture gave me flashbacks to my boy scout days.
As Cape Cod Turns
OK, that's funny!!!!