I’ll have the final installment of the Hotel Diaries up for you later today (I’m a little behind since I–unfortunately–went to see the midnight premiere of “The Green Hornet”), but for now, I wanted to wish you a Happy Delurking Day 2011!
You know what Delurking Day is, right? If you read my blog but never show yourself via comment (okay, and even if you do!), today is your day to shine! Leave a comment to say hello! Or leave a comment to tell me who should win the Golden Globe for best actress in a television show! Or leave a comment to tell me how your New Year’s resolutions are going! Or…you get the idea.
Regardless of whether you’re a regular commenter or a lurker, I appreciate you very much. Thanks for reading! (And…come back later today for that second post.)
©2010 Suburban Scrawl
Yeah, I get to be your first delurker!!! [lifts sweatshirt] Okay, so like, I don't have a trench coat. Plus, it's colder than penguin balls here (if penguins had any, balls, I mean!)
Tracey - Just Another Mommy Blog
I don't lurk. I talk all the damn time.
I'm here!!! But then, you knew that. 🙂
InnerFatGirl (Taryn)
Hello, I'm Taryn. I'm a feisty Cancer who likes long walks on the beach, sunsets, laughing and eating food. Turn-offs are rude people, folks who ride the passing lane and bumblebees. Nice to meet you!
Hi Melisa. Hi Taryn–I'm a Cancer too and no one can try to tell me I'm actually a Gemini.
Cool, I forgot that delurking day was coming up!
Maybe a few will crawl out of the woodwork!
Have been lurking these past few months more than I should've but you know I'm here 😉
Looking forward to the final installment of the Hotel Diaries.
Have a great weekend!
Lynn @ Walking With Scissors
I'm a spectacular lurker but, for you, here I am! 🙂
Bring on the hotel diaries!!!
There, delurking complete.
Hey there. Momo sent me a few months ago and I've been back most days to read you. I promise to comment at least once a year – on delurking day if at no other time. 🙂 Sarah
Tara R.
Happy Delurking Day!
Happy L day!
Grandma W
I'm not really a lurker but yanno.. I heart you!
seashore subjects
I don't always comment, but I do read regularly. So, Hello!
Momo Fali
LOL at Tracey!
I saw this in my reader (I KNOW! My READER!), but was so tired that I just couldn't make it over here.
I lurk, therefore I am.