Heads up: more big changes are just around the bend around here!
A little more than a year ago, I bought my own dot com. I had big plans to get this blog moved as soon as possible.
Well, you know how that goes.
Once I got busy with my book, I let the “moving the blog” thing go out of my head for a while, figuring that as long as the dot com is in my possession, I didn’t need to rush things.
I started thinking about it again in January, and when I spoke to my very talented webmistress about helping me make the move, she told me that whenever I was ready, she’d be on it. The website for my book (which is almost done!) had to come first, though. That was a good thing for many reasons, but mostly because I wanted to try and think about how I wanted my blog redesigned.
The bad news? I couldn’t think of any ideas that I liked better than that white picket fence header up there. I have always thought it was totally perfect for this, my little corner of the internet. Over the past ten weeks I’ve really wracked my brain trying to come up with another idea, but I couldn’t. And so, I resigned myself to keeping this header and just getting rid of the clouds in the background, leaving this page clean and simple, with a few basic layout changes.
And then yesterday happened.
I was working on the creation of my media kit, trying to be somewhat creative by designing a template that would unify the pages. I was so pleased with what I designed that I couldn’t stop looking at it. (I know that sounds weird, but if you’re artsy you know exactly how that feels.)
Suddenly, I shouted “EUREKA!”
Okay, only in my head. I mentally shouted it. Sort of.
“I should create a blog header that looks like this,” I said to myself.
“That is SUCH a great idea!” I responded (to myself).
I have spent several hours working on a mock-up today and D has agreed to re-do it in Photoshop so it’s a little snazzier than what I can do in iWork Pages. He had already created my social media icons that match the new design.
So heads up, everybody…I am hoping to introduce you to the new Suburban Scrawl in the next couple of weeks!
©2011 Suburban Scrawl
Tara R.
Some big doin's around here. I'm looking forward to seeing the new digs.
Patty @ A Day in My NYC
How exciting! Can't wait to see the new design 🙂
You are SUCH a tease!!!
As Cape Cod Turns
Very exciting! You may need to rent D out to some of us (ahem, like me).