Today is an exciting day for me. Sure, it’s SATURDAY (always very thrilling), but there’s something else. I am finally ready to reveal the fantastic cover of my book–which will be published in May!–along with my super-awesome book website! Very few people have been privy to sneak-peeks before today, and it makes me more happy than you can imagine to finally put it out there for everybody. Before you check them out, I have just a couple of things to share.
The book is called Chicken In The Car And The Car Won’t Go: Nearly 200 Ways To Enjoy Chicagoland With Tweens And Teens. The main title comes from an old American folk saying:
“Chicken in the car and the car won’t go
That’s how you spell Chi-ca-go
Knife and a fork and a bottle and a cork
That’s how you spell New York.”
My mom used to recite that ALL THE TIME when Julesie and I were kids, and when I was trying to think of a title for my book, it came to me almost immediately. (In the meantime, at her own place, Julesie was thinking of the same thing!)
Two major elements make this book unique. Unlike all other Chicago travel guides out there today,
1. The attractions covered in it are located in both the city AND the suburbs. Usually travel books only feature what’s in downtown Chicago and give more detailed information about the well-known attractions than the smaller ones. I turned that idea upside-down and inside out, giving equal billing to all of the wonderful places listed in the book.
2. The book is focused on what families with older kids (between the ages of eleven and nineteen) would enjoy doing. For that reason, the Chicago Children’s Museum is not included, but Segway Experience of Chicago is. (The book can be used and enjoyed by single adults, couples with no children, or families with younger kids too, but the focus is on the tween/teen age range!)
About the cover: My older son, D, designed it. I wanted to keep my second book a family affair, just like the first one (whose cover was designed by my sister). D, who is a graphic design major, worked really hard on it (especially because he had a picky client!), and I’m so proud of the result (and him!).
About the website: My very talented friend Ri created the website for my book. Ri ROCKS, hardcore. She is easy-going, creative, smart, sassy, and talented (I know I said that already, but it deserves a second mention!). I basically sent her the book cover and the text and told her to “work her magic”, and that’s what she did. I honestly couldn’t be happier with the way it turned out. If you ever need web design work (or web problem solving: she’s great at that, too!), she would love to talk to you.
The Presale for my book begins today, at the website (yay!) (EDITED: A few of you wonderful people who have ordered already have sent me an email about getting a signed copy. First of all, I love you and will, of course, sign them! Second, if you haven’t ordered yet, there is a place for adding “Special Instructions” on the order form where you can type in the exact names of who I should sign the book for.) Could you do me two huge favors (besides considering a purchase, that is!)?
1. PLEASE go to the Facebook page for my book and “like” it: I need to get 25 “likes” in order to claim a specific name for that Facebook page.
2. PLEASE share all of this with as many of your friends and family members as you feel comfortable doing, especially those who live in the Chicago area (the book is for tourists AND locals!) and those who anticipate vacationing here.
And now, the links!
The book’s website: CLICK HERE.
The Facebook page: CLICK HERE.
Thanks in advance for spreading the word!
©2011 Suburban Scrawl
InnerFatGirl (Taryn)
I love the cover, and the title! Congrats!
CONGRATULATIONS!! Love the site and look forward to singing your praises 🙂
Heather E
I am SO SO excited for you! This has been A LONG journey! Good for you for persevering and gettin it done! 🙂 love the site & I liked your Facebook page too 🙂
Melanie O'Hara-Salyers
Wonderful cover. So happy for you! Congratulations on a creative and informative book for anyone visiting Chicago!
Melanie O'Hara-Salyers
It looks fantastic. WTG!
Congratulations. That IS an exciting day. D did a great job.
I can't wait to receive my copy. Hmmm, maybe I should have held out for an autographed copy? Oh well. 🙂
All too soon my younger two will be in the age category. *sigh*
Great job.
So excited for you to see it LIVE looking. I know you said you would use Chicken and the car and the car won't go. Chicago. But to really see it is unbelieveable.
Makes me cry.
Grandma W
seashore subjects
Love the cover! The book looks amazing. Congratulations!
Susan Bearman
Congratulations on your book. It looks fantastic. My friend and client, Karen Gray-Keeler just started a related business in the Chicago area called: Where Are We Going — Little Adventures. Unexpected Treasures. Thought you might be interested. I'm also sharing your site with her.
Congrats again and good luck with your sales. I'll be following your progress and have "liked" your FB page.
k a t i e
Congrats, Big Sis! I love love LOVE the cover (such a talented family!!!) and can't wait to check out some of the attractions when I'm over there with my very own guide! (my mental age isn't so far off a tween!)