Forced Slow Down

Unless this is your first day reading Suburban Scrawl (*waving to newbies* “Hi, and welcome!”), you know that I tend to keep myself fairly busy (and apparently enjoy understatements). It’s something I’ve grown accustomed to over time. I get up in the morning and go from zero to eighty in about ten seconds. And thinking? Yikes. I think all the time. My brain keeps me awake at night quite often, even though I have a pad of paper near my bed so I can jot things down and “get them out of my head”. It’s abnormal for sure, but it’s in my personality to be like this, so it’s my reality.

In an unbelievable turn of events, in the past couple of months the daily pace of my life has accelerated beyond what I ever thought possible. I can tell you with complete certainty that I have never been so busy in my entire life.

The good news is twofold: there’s good reason for all of this extra commotion, and it’s not permanent. The way I look at it, making a dream come true (the publication of my book and all that goes along with it) is something that is more than worth working hard for (boy, am I!).

I have been so busy that last week I actually–in an amazing feat of forethought–turned down an invitation to an awesome event in the city that took place last night. I had decided that I would probably regret going, with all that I have to do. Several of my friends were going to the event and it was really hard to turn down, but I did. It was a bummer when I had to make that decision, but I am so glad I did, and didn’t give it another thought as I kept working. And working.

So there I was, getting up around 5 a.m. daily and plowing ahead with the various aspects of my life–the book (which currently entails about 50 different tasks), my job, zumba, my Wednesday spin class, going to J’s lacrosse games (Monday, Tuesday, AND Wednesday!), working on research for a magazine article, and keeping up with the house (ok, that one’s a lie). I was staying up until nearly 11 p.m. and then slept poorly night after night (after night).

Suddenly I was sidelined.

Yesterday I woke up with a low-grade headache that only got worse. By the time I left work at 2:30, I could barely see straight and only wanted to go home and put on my pajamas. It was one of those headaches that sleep would help, if only sleeping were physically possible.

I was highly annoyed about this, to say the least: I have so much on my plate that to be paralyzed by a headache was unacceptable.

But I had to accept it. Sometimes things happen for reasons beyond the obvious. I haven’t been taking care of myself.

I put on my pajamas, settled in on the couch, and–after trying unsuccessfully to sleep–watched three shows I had DVRed because I was too busy working to enjoy them as they aired. I ate dinner once I felt a little hungry, and spent the rest of the evening doing no work whatsoever, instead spending time debating the real definition of “noun” on Twitter with some good friends. I was in bed by ten.

Today, though my head is still a little sore from yesterday’s headache, I feel a little more rested and I’m ready to charge ahead with today’s to-do list. Instead of focusing on the thought I went to bed with last night (“What a total waste of a day!”), today I’m going to turn that frown upside-down (“I’m so glad I took care of myself yesterday!”).

Fingers crossed that attitude will last!


©2011 Suburban Scrawl


  • The Microblogologist

    I am glad you took PART of a day to take care of yourself (5am-2:30pm is a FULL day). With the exception of my wonky thyroid and arthritic knee pretty much all of my health issues have stemmed from working myself into the ground and not taking care of myself. I would hate for something like what has happened to me happen to you! xoxo

  • Patty @ A Day in My NYC

    I am SO GLAD that you slowed down even if it wasn't by choice. I love the positive attitude! Keep it up! You have so much more excitement coming in the next few weeks! 🙂

  • Jenn

    You're an inspiration. I'm so proud of you and your book! Good for you taking care of yourself. You get the Gidget seal of approval! xoxo

  • Anonymous

    Like mother like daughter—but I'm glad you decided to shout down for a time. You have your Dad's headaches I very seldom get headaches. But glad this is a new day and you feel rested.

    Grandma W

  • Heather E

    sometimes our body just tells us that we need to stop and take a day to unwind and recoup. sounds like your body was doing that. i'm glad that you are feeling better! 🙂

  • Tara R.

    Our noun debate was fun… but made it clear to me that I am very grateful I don't have to help with homework any longer.

  • SurprisedMom

    It wasn't a complete waste of a day, even though you were sidelined. You took care of yourself. That's really important, especially when you live such a hectic lifestyle. So glad you're feeling better!

    That noun challenge sounds like fun!