Make fun of me if you will, but I am a Chicago Cubs fan. Go on, I know you want to.
*Ridicule Break*
Okay, are you finished? Good.
I have been a Cubs fan ever since I can remember, even though I didn’t actually get to see my first game all up-close-and-personal-like until I was about 28 years old. And it was in Milwaukee, against the Brewers. I have, since then, seen a couple of games at Wrigley Field and it’s a great time, even when the Cubs lose. Which they usually do.
But next year’s our year, you know?
Anyway, it was a banner day when I was able to cross an item off of my bucket list nearly two weeks ago. The folks at Vail Resorts were in town on a press trip, and they invited me to watch a Cubs game from the roof at Wrigleyville Rooftops.

Honestly, I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to watch a game from the regular stadium seats again, which is GREAT news for my husband (not). We had a fantastic time. The view was great, there was a nice breeze (which was awesome since it was hotter than blazes that day), and the food and drinks were readily available, always nice when you’re at a ballgame. Oh, and the Cubs WON. I’m pretty sure it’s because I was there, but I can’t be sure.
Click here to check out my post on Vail Resorts and how their beliefs about the hospitality industry are aligned with mine! (Disclosure: Vail Resorts invited me to the event without any expectation that I’d write about it OR their company.)
Tara R.
Looks like a great way to catch a game. Fabulous views. Hotdogs at a ballgame has to be a rule or something.
I’m pretty sure it’s a state law here! 🙂
How fun! 🙂 I’ve never heard of this before. Glad you had a good time.
It was fun indeed. Also way less crowded than in the stands. 🙂
Mmm sorry, still ridiculing you 😉
That said, someday we’ll have to go to a game together. But only if we stop at 7/11 to get a slurpee before going inside. Tradition.