You are probably sick of food, being just a few days removed from Thanksgiving and all (unfortunately I have never had that problem, being sick of food), but I have a pretty exciting food event to share with those of you who live in the Chicago area.
My friends Emily and Vanessa, along with a couple of other ladies, have created the Chicagoland Food Swap, which will be happening once each month at various locations all around Chicagoland and makes its debut next Saturday, December 4.
The Chicagoland Food Swap brings together those who share an appreciation for making/baking/growing their own food and involves swapping jams, canned goods, cookies, eggs, spreads, vinegars, oils, and much more in a silent auction format. You do not have to be a card-carrying foodie to participate; you just have to agree to these “expectations”, which I nabbed from their website:
1. The event is open to the public but everyone must pre-register.
2. All cooking is done in home kitchens and it is expected that participants are using the highest cleanliness standards in their own kitchens and gardens to prepare their swap goods.
3. By participating in this event, you are acknowledging that the food items being traded are not necessarily prepared in any “approved” kitchen or space inspected by any government agency.
4. No selling or exchange of money is allowed.
5. If you don’t want to swap, gifting is also encouraged.
You can get more information on the Chicagoland Food Swap–as well as register for next Saturday’s event, which will take place from 4-6 p.m. at Pretty Little Things, an alternative craft boutique in Forest Park–by going to their website.
Though I can’t make it this time because I have a book event, I am planning on participating the next time, for sure! (Chocolate Truffles, anyone?)
Tara R.
This sounds like a very cool idea. Homemade is always so much better than pre-packaged and processed.
Doesn’t it? I hope that the next date they offer works with my schedule so I can participate. I’ll take pics and report back!
I so wish I could make it, but obviously not this time. NEXT time I am so there. And I call dibs on your truffles. Still debating what I make 🙂
Good: we’ll do the next one together! Yay!