In what was perhaps perfect timing, I finally hit the wall this weekend. I have slept more in the past two days (9-10 hours at night PLUS LENGTHY NAPS) than I normally do in about five days put together.
I credit a couple of things for this:
1. Doing nothing makes me sleepy. For a person who lives life at top speed, slowing down to no activity means one thing: Zzzzz…
2. Fighting off illness. I am the “lucky recipient” of a nasty sinus infection a couple of times each year. I’ve had a sinus headache off and on for about four days now. It’s tiring, dealing with that pressure all the time. Luckily, my over-the-counter drugs seem to be keeping things at a manageable level. Cross your fingers for me, please!
3. Post-party “depression”. It’s not really depression, by the way, but the days after a big event on which I’ve worked like crazy always feel very draining.
4. Busy year. This is Jim’s contribution, and I’m sure he’s probably right. I have been goinggoinggoing non-stop since about mid-January. It’s been a great year for me professionally, one that I have worked very, very hard for…but I have been failing in the “get enough rest” department.
What’s my point?
I don’t even have one. I’m too tired. Just thought I’d share.
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All of those reasons make sense to me! Hope you’re feeling like yourself soon. (I almost said “feeling like your old self,” but that just didn’t sound right. 🙂
Tara R.
A good nap does sound nice.
Right? I enjoyed them immensely.
Momo Fali
Since mid-January? You mean since mid-2009…right?
Very funny. And maybe.
I am jealous. I am so so so jealous. And maybe the problem is that you’re stealing my sleep? Hmmmmm 😉 Glad you’re getting rested and hope you are healthy again soon! Here’s hoping I sleep tonight!
Yeah THAT’S it: I’m stealing your sleep! Bwahahaha!
Patty at A Day in My NYC
Get some rest & I hope you feel better soon! Exhaustion is a sign of a life well lived 🙂
That sounds like something I need to cross stitch for a pillow!
Heh, sounds like your body issued itself (meaning, you) a well-deserved time-out.
Totally. Sad that it came to that. 🙁
tracey - Justanothermommy
Busy is fun but EXHAUSTING, isn’t it? At least I’m not pregnant. Seriously. I was convinced I was, and my first thought (after OH SHIT) was, “But I have the LTYM show this year! What’ll I tell Melisa?!?”
So. I think about you when I pee on sticks. Feel privileged? You should.
You’re probably the only person in the world who thinks of me when peeing on sticks, so thanks for that!
Totally experiencing this same exhaustion, but mine is more emotionally fraught. Which is to say I feel like a fifteen year old, and am breaking out just enough to look like one!
Tracy, I forgot to mention that there will be mandatory pregnancy testing, so best Costco yourself a whole mess of sticks.