D is home from college this week because it’s his spring break week. (J’s high school spring break is next week. It’s a good thing we weren’t making big vacation plans!)
The funny thing about a* college kid coming home for spring break is that he thinks everybody is on spring break.
At 11:00, as Jim and I head up to bed for a 5:30 a.m. wake-up:
“Why are you going to bed? It’s spring break!”
In the morning, noticing his brother isn’t at home:
“Where’s J?”
I answer, “He’s at school.”
D: “But it’s spring break!”
When I ask him how it’s possible he could sleep until 1:00 p.m.
“It’s spring break!”
On any issue I say “no” to:
“Come on, live it up! It’s spring break!”
On my comment regarding the fact that he’s on spring break not meaning that everyone else’s life is on break:
“What do you MEAN?? It’s spring break!”
It’s a good thing he’s charming.
*Okay, maybe it’s just MY college kid.
Ally Bean
If he’s bored being home for spring break, there’s always FL for spring break! As I recall, even back in the age of dinosaurs when I was in college, spring break in FL was NEVER dull. Stupid, yes. But boring, no.
Momo Fali
I remember those days! Now I’m all, what’s a break?
You and me both, sister!
Spring break at mom and dad’s house. Ahh. What a life. 😉
What are you doing writing blog posts? Come on, IT’S SPRING BREAK!!! lol
Stephanie Precourt
Adorable! 🙂 They are still adorable at that age, right?
Actually, yes. THANK GOODNESS.
My kids breaks are 3 weeks apart, so I know what you mean!
Patty at A Day in My NYC
Ahhh that’s why I felt like doing nothing all week…It’s Spring Break! LOL!
I think work need to institute Spring Break…think of all the happy employees 🙂