I’ll Tumbl For Ya

I have been a decluttering fool today. I went through more of the house than I intended AND expected to in one day: it’s amazing how much you can get done when you’re not in front of the computer!

I did, however, post to my Tumblr blog all day, which I can do from my phone and my iPad and it doesn’t take more than a minute so I stayed mostly on task. I think I put up a record (for me, anyway) nine posts today, and it occurred to me that if you only follow me here and not over there, you are missing some VERY satisfactory stuff if I do say so myself.

For example, earlier today I posted this picture

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with this caption:

I asked my 17 year old to go through the clothes in his closet and pull out what he no longer wears so we could donate it. I told him to save anything he doesn’t like that still fits him so we can find out if his older brother wants it, since they have the same shirt size.

When I went to check out the “hand-me-overs” he pointed at this one and said, “I saved this one for D because doesn’t he like mustard yellow, Dwight Schrute shirts?”

Indeed he does. #diehardofficefan

I wouldn’t normally post that kind of thing here at Suburban Scrawl because it’s so short. I started the Tumblr for shorties like that one and pop culture stuff that I don’t enjoy putting here.

My Tumblr is called Suburb Scraw (Keeping It Short), and you can check it out here. (I would be remiss if I didn’t also recommend that you check out my sister’s Tumblr, too. She is a thousand times more clever than I about 99.9% of the time. House of Jules II can be found by clicking here.)

While I’m at it I might as well tell you that I’ve been posting a bunch lately on Instagram, too. If you use Instagram, look for me there @melisalw, which is also, coincidentally, my Twitter handle.

Enough self-promo for now. I’m getting back to work on de-cluttering, hoping to find more long-lost gift cards! (Evidence? On my Tumblr, of course.)