I have attended the BlogHer conference four times now: Chicago ’09, New York ’10, San Diego ’11, and, just this past weekend, New York ’12. When I tell non-blogging friends about these weekends away, I get a goofy grin on my face and say things like, “These have been some of the best weekends of my adult life.” It’s totally true. Say what you want about any online presence you might have; it’s when you connect IN PERSON with friends–old and new–that really solidifies relationships.
Sue from As Cape Cod Turns was my roommate for the first three years, and was unable to make it to New York this year due to some family obligations. It was a huge bummer for many reasons. Luckily, Sue is crafty and creative, and she decided to send a flat version of herself to me, so she could “experience” BlogHer just like she has in the past. Well, sort of.
Flat Sue arrived here in Chicago with barely enough time to get into my bag before I got on the plane to New York, but we both made it to Midway Airport and the fun began immediately. I (with a little help from my friends Liz, Momo, and Michelle) carried Flat Sue around Manhattan (and Queens!) for five days, documenting her adventures. Turns out Flat Sue is a party animal: who knew?
I have to admit, I discovered that carrying a paper friend around with you is really funny until you start unknowingly referring to her as a real person when you’re talking to your husband. I spoke to Jim on Saturday and he asked what I had been up to so far that day.
“Oh, Sue and I took a walk down the street to take some pictures at Rockefeller Center. We went to look for a Rockettes t-shirt for me, too. We had fun.”
Uh, yeah.
Funny, or pitiful? Wait, don’t answer that.
We had a blast documenting Flat Sue’s weekend, but at one point it got a little tricky and we weren’t sure she’d make it to Sunday. On Saturday night, Michelle, Liz, Jenn and I left the Social Fiesta at the hotel to attend the BanShe party (hosted by my PH, Melissa). The party was at a bar just outside of Times Square, a little more than a half mile from the hotel. Shortly after we arrived, I sent Melissa, who was downstairs, a text asking her to come upstairs when she could so I could take a picture of her with Flat Sue. I said to Liz, “Where’s Flat Sue? Melissa’s coming up to take a picture.”
Liz opened her purse and that’s when all hell broke loose.
“I DON’T HAVE HER!” she exclaimed. “I think Michelle has her!”
“No she doesn’t,” I said, “we left Flat Sue with you when we went to do Zumba on the dance floor!”
For a moment I was horrified that Flat Sue could have faced an untimely death and we’d never see her again. After that moment passed, I was in total hysterics. This was the best thing that could have happened. All weekend I had been hearing that people were following Flat Sue’s adventures; how great was it that this thing was taking on a life of its own? We had to put out an APB.
I had to bring Momo in. Here is our text exchange:
Momo, who had left the Social Fiesta: “I’m going back now. Where is she????”
Me: “We don’t know! I left her with Liz when I went to zumba. Either on a table by the bartender or at back center of room.”
While we waited for Momo to go back and be the hero, Jenn, Liz, Michelle and I just laughed and laughed. And laughed. It wasn’t long before Momo tweeted an update.
Our Flat Sue was saved! Momo found her sitting on a table at the Social Fiesta. I wonder if she made any good connections there. Anyway, she hung out with Momo for a while that evening because, as Momo texted me, “I don’t just LEAVE Sue like some other people I know!” and then we picked her up in the lobby after the CheeseburgHer party.
Flat Sue did more in New York City than most other paper people would do, I can tell you that. Check out her entire weekend of adventures in the photo album I made for her on my Suburban Scrawl Facebook page (and please “like” the page if you haven’t already!) by clicking here. The original captions from Instagram are included, in case you want to laugh a little harder.
Spending our weekend with Flat Sue was really fun, though I’m really hoping to enjoy BlogHer next year (in Chicago!) with Real Sue.
So much fun when meeting strangers who knew Flat Sue and wanted to take pictures with her. That Flat Sue, she really gets around. *looks in purse* She IS with you right?!?
No! I thought you had her!!!!!
Kidding. She’s napping with Roxie.
that is the funniest thing I ever heard …. omg, I saw the references all weekend and just thought she was someone’s beard or extra toe!
Hopefully I can meet the real Sue in 2013! LMAO!
Someone’s beard?? HAHAHA!
Trying to get Real Sue to the BBSummit…
Sounds like a great time for you, your friends, and Flat Sue! I totally get the online friend ‘thing’ and some of my very best friends are the ones that I met online!
Maybe I’ll bring Flat Sue to lunch with me when we get together. 🙂
OMG, leave it to you 4 to get flat Sue all snookered up and leave her behind at the bar. I bet she was still dancing.
We’ll never know…but I bet you’re right!
As Cape Cod Turns
Bwhahahahahahahahahahahaha, I am laughing laughing laughing and heading to FB to check out the rest of the pictures. Thanks for showing me a good time!!!
You’re welcome! Next year: REAL SUE.
Momo Fali
Thank goodness you spared the internet a picture of the CheeseburgHer hat I made her!
I didn’t: it’s in the Facebook album. I thought it was adorable, though. I don’t know why you’re downin’ it.
The APB had my sister and I rolling on the floor! We loved the flat sue idea so much! I’m glad she made it safely back home.
I’m so glad BlogHer 13 is in Chicago and hopefully we’ll get to see real Sue there! 🙂
We’d better!!!
well, i’m still waiting to get my picture taken with flat sue. unless i did. which could be because i was so beyond overwhelmed at banshe that it’s a blur and no, it’s not from drinking because i didn’t seem to do much of that this blogher.
This is the funniest and most awesome thing ever. I love it!
SO much fun. You are ridiculous and incredibly awesome for letting me (and others!) tag along at BlogHer vicariously through Flat Sue’s wild adventures!