Where was I? Oh yes, sitting here with a wrapped up finger after my kitchen accident yesterday. Here’s what happened.
Not quite six weeks after attending a knife skills class during which we learned to “curl your fingers under when holding whatever you’re cutting, to protect your fingertips from the knife”, I was dicing apples for my very delicious and popular apple bread recipe with the Chef’s Knife I received at that very class (the VERY SHARP Chef’s Knife*) when it happened.
*insert elevator music here, instead of the gory details*
I didn’t panic; I grabbed a paper towel and started applying pressure immediately, keeping my finger above my head. I walked to the basement and asked my sister to come upstairs when she was finished with the phone call she was on, and then went to find J so I could ask him to finish the apple bread, using a different (older, duller) knife and cutting board so none of my DNA would find its way into the finished product.
A few minutes later I was on my couch, still applying the pressure, when Julesie came up. “WHAT HAPPENED??” she asked, and then told me that next time I should just tell her to get off the phone. I said, “I didn’t really classify this as an emergency.”
She asked me if I wanted to go to Urgent Care and I said no. I just wanted to see if I could get the bleeding to stop first. At some point in our conversation I said, “It’s okay, it’s just my finger”, which led to this and then, more hysterically, this.
Before we left the house, though, she called one of her best friends–who happens to be a doctor–to get her recommendation for whether I should stay home or go to Urgent Care. When she got off the phone, she shared what she learned so I could make my own decision.
And that’s the problem. I have a very hard time making decisions when they affect something about me. I have absolutely no problem recommending what YOU should do (Sometimes without your even asking me! GREAT, I KNOW!), but when it comes to me–whether it’s where I want to go to dinner or if I should go to Urgent Care after I slice my finger–I can feel the gears of my brain grinding to a halt.
In the end, I couldn’t get the bleeding to stop so away we went. At some point Julesie tweeted this, which I love:
I mean really, if you have to go to Urgent Care, I highly recommend that you ask my sister to take you there because there is nobody more calming OR entertaining. (Depending on where you live, of course. If you don’t live in our neighborhood you might want to ask someone else if time is of the essence. Just sayin’.)
So I’m at Urgent Care in Trauma Room 4 with a nurse named Sue. I didn’t “get” her at first but after we chatted for a few minutes I discovered that Sue is one of those sassy nurses with a heart of gold. While she was talking to me in that sarcastic, witty, and funny way I came to know in our hour together, I actually planned her self-titled sitcom in my head (“Sue.” Just Sue.) and decided that the part of Sue should be played by either Debra Winger right after “Terms of Endearment” was big…or Charlotte Rae (“The Facts of Life’s” Mrs. Garrett).
Anyhoo, the news on my fingertip (or lack thereof) from the doctor was good: I didn’t cut anywhere near a tendon and I didn’t need stitches. Sue wrapped my finger up and we laughed together about how my “flip off finger” was much more noticeable now.
Laugh track, and…scene.
My Dad called last night to find out what happened because my mom read yesterday’s post. As usual he found funny things to say and we were both cracking up when my mom leaned in towards the phone and yelled, “YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO CURL YOUR FINGERS UNDER SO YOU PROTECT YOUR FINGERTIPS!”
Thanks, Mom. I FORGOT.
And then a couple of minutes later, when I must have been talking really loudly as I told my Dad that next time I’d be much more careful, Mom yelled, “CURL YOUR FINGERS UNDER!!!”
Noted, Mom.
I spent the evening trying not to think about the throbbing and then laughing my head off when Momo used my injury as inspiration for a post of her own, and then I took some Tylenol and went to bed, not sleeping well because this wrapped finger is awkward and ohmygoshthethrobbing.
So here I am today, all wrapped up and happy that it was just a flesh wound (ha!) and nothing serious. I even went to class at TDM this morning. I’m trying not to be annoyed that typing anything takes me twice as long as usual: this too shall pass. I will be making a full recovery very soon.
Finally, what have we learned today, kids?
That’s your PSA for today. You’re welcome. Be safe out there.
Tomorrow? The apple bread recipe.
*I should reiterate that the accident was completely user error. I still love that knife; I just need to be more careful next time!
Can I borrow some of your calm?
No, really, I’m glad you’re okay.
Ally Bean
I’m so glad that you’re okay… but have to admit that I’m laughing at your predicament… and I know that is so wrong of me… so I’ll apologize here in between giggles. Oh my!
Tara R.
I’m glad you’re okay and learned your lesson about curling your fingers under.
Grandma W
I hope your finger is better today and I know you have learned your lesson. What were you making apple cake for? Is it for one of your exchanges?
Love you
Grandma W
Daddy W
I’ve always told everyone that my older daughter is a real cut up! LOLOLOLOL! I would’ve killed to be there when it happened so I could give you my fatherly support and compassion. Yeah! Furthermore, I even would’ve paid for the ambulance and police escort or a medivac helicopter to get you to the urgent care facility! After all, you are still one of my baby girls! By the way, a piece of advice, never, ever tell your mother this kind of stuff! If you do, be prepared for one of her lectures! LOLOL
Love you! And, kissy kissy on your boo boo!
And grow out your fingernails for the buffer zone. Knives stick into nails. I know. Trust me.
Paula Krueger
I did the same thing, but before the class. Thats how i knew exactly what happened to you.![🙂](https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f642.svg)
Momo Fali
Oh my gosh, I love your parents.
Headless Mom
Did I ever tell you about my knife incident? I think it was before I met you, although it may be on the blog. Think: Knife, Foot.
Oh my, oh my, oh my. So happy you’ve lived to tell that story. Really! Also very glad that Jules was around to take you to Urgent Care. Will keep your Horror story in mind after just getting a set of REALLY sharp knifes last weekend. Hope your finger is healing nicely. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Melisa.
Your entire family is made up of sheer awesome, sprinkled with glitter.
Sorry you hurt your “flip off finger” but glad you not only got it checked out, but that you had great company while you did!
Jennifer Billy
I wish you a speedy recovery and really feel bad about your accident. But your story was funny and love your family!
Thank you! And thanks for stopping by.![🙂](https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f642.svg)
Sarah Parisi
Yikes! I never curl my fingers under but I think I’ll start!