Probably tomorrow, in fact.
Today though, I feel the need to bump the Skydeck Chicago post down since it was a lead-in to a giveaway that is now over (Congrats, Shannon!), yet I don’t feel like writing much of anything. I am in the middle of my pre-empty nester mini-crisis which involves quite possibly the most manic behavior I’ve ever personally experienced.
Full disclosure: I’ve been on the verge of tears since last Wednesday or so and did the ugly cry off and on all day Thursday and Friday. Yesterday and today were better. While I’m emotional (understatement), I can totally function in public like usual because that’s how I roll, I guess. Poor Jim.
Anyway, YES, I know this will all be fine. This is temporary and part of the transition. Knowing that does not make it go away, and it doesn’t help me come up with anything spectacular for the ole’ blog.
So for now, enjoy this picture of Roxie as a puppy. Cute, right?
Lots of hugs.
kim/the maker mom
The cuteness is killing me. They grow up fast, too. *sniff*
Transitions are hard, but you come out of them smarter, stronger and more compassionate.
I had my first two hours of structured childless time today. I pooped in peace and without fear of someone dying in the other room while I took care of business.
(hugs. promise i washed my hands.)
THIS IS A SIGN! I told you, you need a puppy!
I had a whole paragraph typed here and then I erased it because I thought it would make you cry more, so I’ll just leave it at the puppy.
Just tell me what day I need to show up with a 2 liter bottle of coke and a gallon jug of rum, and I’ll be there. Twizzlers optional. xoxo ((HUG))
Oh my! I want to kiss that face.
Yay for winning!
Boo for sads.
I can only imagine right now how you feel. You know you have a lot of friends that love you, right? And we will hug you tight when you need it and raise our glasses with you when you need it.
Feel what you need to feel, Melisa. We will be here to feel it with you.
You shut your mouth Momo! No more puppies in this house. We can have a puppy as long as it lives full time at your house and never visits us here.
Better out than in, sistuh ((((Hugs))) love you lots@
*snort* ^^^^
Jim, it’s a deal! Wait…no!
But, you aren’t fooling anyone! We all know that if a puppy would make Melisa feel better, a puppy you would get!
Yay for Shannon winning!
Boo to the blues.
Big fat juicy hugs.
I totally forgot YAY for Shannon winning!!!
Deb Rox
Hugs for you and Roxie.
Sylvia Witcoff
I agree with Jim no more animals just keep thinking you can travel with Jim when possible, you will not have to feed an animal or let it out someday. You will be free
But right now you have Roxie and she can be your puppy. It will hurt for a little while but you will be fine, believe me.
Grandma W
Aww. 🙁
Lisa - Hannemaniacs
Hugging my babies closer. Just thinking about it makes me anxious. I’ll be doing the ugly cry all around town in about 14 years. Just you wait and see…