It’s probably not news to you, but I’m very extroverted. I can talk to just about anyone, I’m very comfortable in group situations, and I do tend to, as my sister calls it, “always choose the Fun Pass”.
(My sister ORIGINATED the Fun Pass, by the way. We’re good at Fun.)
A dear friend I’ve known since high school is not extroverted. (Nothing wrong with that!) In fact, we’ve had countless conversations over the years about how anti-social and introverted she is, in direct comparison to my place on the other end of the spectrum. If I had a nickel for every time I’ve heard her say, “I’m just not a ‘joiner'”, I’d have…at least five dollars.
I love that we are very different in this way but completely balance out when we’re together.
We don’t chat as often as we used to because life gets in the way, but we pop in to say hi very randomly, which I love. Yesterday my phone buzzed to let me know that a text came in, and I was pleasantly surprised to see it was from her. The text said,
“I had a dream that you started driving a blue ice cream truck around Naperville. You enjoyed driving it, in case you were wondering.”
I laughed and replied,
“Hilarious! But I’m easy to please. I enjoy doing almost everything.”
Her reply made me smile, because it was a repeat of something she said to me years ago, one of the best compliments I’ve received from anybody, ever:
“You make your own party!”
So true. Because why WOULDN’T you choose the Fun Pass??
Leann Pignone
I may not choose the fun pass, but I gravitate to people who do! 🙂
Melisa Wells
haha, yes! Stick with me, Leann! 🙂
I think everybody’s fun pass looks a little different. One person’s may look like a big party full of people and someone else’s may look like a crossword puzzle and a lounge chair.
But, I think we can all agree that driving a blue ice cream truck around Naperville qualifies for a fun pass. Especially if it’s all the ice cream you can eat.
Melisa Wells
Of course you’re exactly right, and now I feel like I need to delete or edit this post. I also think that a crossword puzzle and a lounge chair is fun, depending on my mood. Sigh.
I guess I’ll leave it. But GOOD POINT!! xo
Don’t delete or edit! That was not the intention of my comment. I think the fun pass = positivity and having a good attitude and finding the good and the fun in whatever you are doing (party or lounge chair or driving the ice cream truck). You do that so very well, Melisa. It is a gift, really, to yourself and to the people around you.
Melisa Wells
Thank you, Shannon. 🙂
Grandma W
So glad you are the way you are.
Grandma W
Melisa Wells
Thanks, Mom. 🙂
Yeah, all that enthusiasm and positive energy you’re exuding is quite catchy, and what Grandma W said!!!
Melisa Wells
You also make *MY* party.