One of my very favorite things about Netflix is that we can browse various genres to find films that I normally wouldn’t have discovered in the mainstream. Our latest find has led to my new fascination. Fair warning: that “fascination” just might end up becoming an obsession.
Over the weekend we watched “Tiny: A Story About Living Small”. It’s a sixty-six minute documentary that follows a young couple who is building a tiny house from scratch, with extra clips woven in about the Tiny House Movement.
The idea behind the Tiny House Movement is downsizing, sort of a rebellion against the “we need more stuff!” attitude that still prevails here in America. “Smaller spaces and simplified living” is something I can get behind, completely. To actually build and live in a Tiny House is what I would consider extreme living because each one measures between 100-400 square feet (yes, total!). Watching “Tiny”, I actually considered the idea of building our own tiny house someday. (They are ADORABLE, and many of them are on wheels so you can move whenever you want.)
After I fantasized for a few minutes it occurred to me that I probably won’t ever live in an adorable tiny house outside of my own imagination, but the space-saving tools and tricks that I saw just in the documentary alone got my brain working. I have even subscribed to a couple of tiny house blogs so I can read more.
Got Netflix? Go check out this documentary. I dare you to watch it without staring down some of the clutter that’s taking up valuable space in your house and grabbing a garbage bag.
(Still not convinced? Go take a look at this tiny house I am in love with, on Tiny House Swoon. I mean, really. SO. CUTE.)
We watched that too, and loved it! We’re sort of obsessed with Tiny Houses ourselves…and we have one! Just on water, not wheels.
We’re actually on the Tiny House Blog, too. B1 submitted some pictures and our story last year and they featured us. So cool. 🙂
Alas, our REAL tiny house dreams have been shattered because of the twins. But that’s pretty OK.
Melisa Wells
Oh yes! I totally forgot that you and B1 live in a tiny house on the water! LOL
(I mean, I didn’t forget that you live on a boat; just forgot that it really is like a tiny house!)
I love Netflix as well. It’s was one of the motivating tools for me to go cable free for a year (and possibly now forever!) I will have to check out this movie. I cannot imagine living in such a tiny space.