Today I’m joining over 100 women in spreading the message of #ChoosingHappiness. In today’s post I share how I chose happiness in the midst of life’s messiness by answering a few questions from best-selling Publisher Linda Joy, whose new book Inspiration for a Woman’s Soul: Choosing Happiness, featuring the soul-inspiring stories of 27 amazing women who share their intimate stories of transformation, is being released today. Choosing Happiness also includes Reflection Questions after each story which will empower you to integrate the vital lessons of each woman’s journey into your own life.
For a limited time you can get over 40 transformational gifts with your copy of Choosing Happiness. Grab your copy today!
P.S. I am not being compensated in any way for this post; I’m writing it because a friend asked me to help and I enjoy choosing happiness in my own life.
Q: Was there a pivotal moment in your life when you realized that your happiness was an internal choice that could be made despite your outside circumstances? For me, I don’t think so. I think I have always been a Pollyanna-type of person (Google her, kids!). Of course, some days are harder than others but when it’s all said and done I think if you asked anyone who knows me whether I’m a happy person in general, they’d say “absolutely!”
Q: How do you remind yourself that happiness is always within and catch your footing in those whirlwind moments of life that can throw us off balance? A lot of it is mental, knowing that life isn’t happy 100% of the time, as much as we strive for that. In fact, happiness is much more appreciated when you’ve dealt with the opposite in all different forms. (Ahem but I prefer happiness…who doesn’t??) I know that if I’m having an off day (or week!) that eventually it will pass as long as I keep pushing through and looking for the little things that make me smile.
Q: What is your personal definition of happiness today? Defining happiness isn’t easy because I see it as something fluid. I guess I’d say that happiness is an overall feeling of contentment with the way life is going and/or knowing that I have done all I can do to make any tweaks towards improving anything that’s lacking. I’m a firm believer in asking for what you want instead of waiting around for things to happen, and I think that–being proactive–is one of the secrets to finding happiness.
Q. Share three things that bring you happiness. My family, my friends, and the fact that right now, I’m spending my time doing a job (jobs) that I love.
I invite you to share how you choose happiness in the comments below.
Be sure to check out Linda’s new book, Inspiration for a Woman’s Soul: Choosing Happiness and grab your copy today at to receive the bonus gift bundle.