So you’re coming to the Windy City this summer, huh? Whether you’ll be here for the massive BlogHer conference at the end of July and you’re looking for some sightseeing opportunities or you’re coming for a family getaway, if you’re wondering what to do in Chicago I am just the girl who can help you out. My book, Chicken in the Car and the Car Won’t Go: Nearly 200 Ways to Enjoy Chicagoland with Tweens and Teens happens to be overflowing with–you guessed it–nearly 200 things to do in the Chicago area. In addition to all of the fun features, the book contains information on public transportation, where to find…
The Little Author That Could
“How’s the book going?” It’s a question I get all the time from friends and family. While I appreciate their interest very, very much, I nearly always give the short answer: “Great! Thanks for asking!” The long answer is–frankly–really, really long, and I can’t just say half of it and expect the person I’m answering to fill in the blanks, so the short answer has to suffice under normal circumstances. Here is the long answer, though, in case you’re wondering: My book, considering it was published just last spring and I’m doing the bulk of the marketing for it myself, is doing pretty well for where I’m at on my…
It’s Never Too Late.
Last week I had the opportunity to speak about my book to a group of senior citizens at a local church. It was my first “real” speaking engagement. I have never liked speaking in front of groups generally… …although I have no problem wearing spandex-y workout clothes and a microphone headset while I sweatily teach cycling to large groups of people, go figure… …oh, and I did earn a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education, something that involves speaking in front of large groups, and taught second graders every Sunday for fourteen years, whatever… …but I really don’t like being in front of lots of people. Anyway, I was pretty excited…
Chicken in the Car and the Car Won’t Go: Now Available in STORES!
Blurred reality. I was just informed that Barnes & Noble is placing an order for my book, Chicken in the Car and the Car Won’t Go: Nearly 200 Ways To Enjoy Chicagoland With Tweens and Teens and should have it on the shelves by the December holidays. This was one of my main goals for the book: to get it into a major bookseller’s stores. CHECK! So there you go. Though the order they are placing is not big enough to get copies into every store (Yet. Let’s stay positive, shall we?), you CAN go into your local B&N, no matter where it is, and special order a copy for…
- Amazing People, Chicken in the Car, Fun in Chicago, Proud Moments, Something That Could Change Your Life, Travels
Make No Little Plans.
“Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men’s blood and probably will themselves not be realized. Make big plans; aim high in hope and work, remembering that a noble, logical diagram once recorded will not die.” ~Daniel Burnham, American architect and urban planner, 1846-1912 How much do you know about your hometown? Could you tell somebody about its history? Do you take advantage of what it has to offer in the way of entertainment, architecture, parks, and all of the other good stuff? Do you feel comfortable exploring the entire area, as opposed to staying in the cocoon of your neighborhood? Do you know anything about the…
Ten Things You Should Know If You Want To Publish A Book
It seems like the number of people who dream of becoming a published author has skyrocketed over the last few years. Of course, it might be the company I keep, but I don’t really think so. I have found for the most part, both in one-on-one conversations and group settings alike, that people have very different ideas about whether their dream of getting published is attainable, how much work is involved in doing so, and all kinds of details in between. I am often asked broad questions like “How did you get your book published?” and “How did you find your publisher?” I am also asked more specific questions like…
Chicagonista Live At 103!
Yesterday I spent some time with the girls of Chicagonista Live (minus Nancy Loo, who had to anchor the noon news, and plus Barbara Rozgonyi!), because they broadcasted from Skydeck Chicago and had asked me to be a guest on the show, to promote my book. I had a great time with MJ, Beth, Duong, and Barbara, and being able to stand on the sidelines and watch their production up close and personal was pretty cool, too. Randy Stancik, the General Manager of Skydeck Chicago, was a guest too. If you’d like to watch the recording, click here! After the show, we wanted to get some pictures on The Ledge,…
Chicago In A Day? There’s A Post For That.
People constantly ask me for recommendations for Chicago activities. I’m full of ideas, of course, having written a book about it, but let’s say that you are getting around to buying my book (you are, right?) and just need a couple of quick suggestions for a fun day trip in the city. I can help you there. In fact, I wrote a post about it, but it’s not here. It’s here (click that cute button!): So please go give me some love over there, would you? And speaking of Chicago (and really, when do I NOT?), my next post will be a recap of the breakfast D and I enjoyed…
Bringin’ My Book To #BlogHer11 (If You Want Me To)
So, I wrote this book, you know? I have already had two people ask me to bring them a signed copy to the BlogHer conference in San Diego next week so they can buy it, and I am obviously MORE than happy to do so. I have room in my suitcase for more, if necessary. SO. If you are attending the BlogHer conference and think you’d LOVE a copy of my book for use in planning your next trip to Chicago (the book makes a great gift, too!), email me at melisawells (at) gmail (dot) com and let me know. The book is priced at $14.95 but anyone who reserves…
Chicken In The Car And the Car Won’t Go: The Live Action Version & Giveaway!
Today is a very, very exciting day: one of my BFFs, Momofali, is coming to town with her daughter, let’s call her Daughterofmomo, for a girls’ weekend. I haven’t seen Momo since we were in New York City together for BlogHer last August, and I can barely contain myself regarding the fact that not only is she staying with me through Sunday, but I get to see her AGAIN in just a couple weeks, in San Diego (roomies!). In preparation for their visit, I asked Momo to have her daughter go through my book and jot down various attractions that she really wanted to see. What they came up with,…