• Family Fun,  Food

    The Dance

    The four of us barge into the house through the front door, our hands loaded with plastic grocery bags. The twenty reusable bags I received at BlogHer are still in my trunk, empty, due to my shoddy memory at the time we parked in the store lot. I’ll bring them in next time, really. We pile the grocery bags on every available surface, all of us in a hurry, encouraged by the high-pitched barking coming from our yappy beagle, Roxie, as her entire back end sways from right to left due to the force of her wagging tail. She is impatiently waiting to be released from her crate in order…

  • Food,  My Sister Has Mad Skillz

    Hi Ho Cherry Hey-Ohhhhh!

    My sister Julesie came over last night, and boy did we have food and drink plans. We like to try new recipes when we get together, and this instance was no different. We had our normal phone conference, during which we talked about a few options and made our decision (I’ll tell you about that in a moment). Then she said to me, “How do you feel about Bing Cherry Mojitos?” Of course I replied, “I feel GREAT about them!” Then she started sending out tweets to make everyone jealous, like this one, which you definitely shouldn’t click on if you have problems with the F-word. Of course, like many…

  • Food,  Travels

    Why We Gain Weight There Is No Mystery

    We just returned from a long weekend in Tennessee. What’s in Tennessee, you ask? Lots: Jim’s parents, my parents, and Kate, Scott, & Bean. And there’s food. Lots of food. It seems like our Tennessee trips consist of short stretches of time in between meals. It’s an awful, yucky-in-our-tummy feeling for the duration of the visit. But we’ve always got meal plans with somebody, so the eating just. does. not. stop. Over the past couple of years, I have found ways to cut back a bit. First, soda. Our parents have soda in the house all the time (much like we did a few months ago: until I stopped buying…

  • Family Fun,  Food,  I'm Apparently Old.

    Going Balls-Out On His Birthday

    When the boys were little, I made them rainbow cakes just as I do these days. The difference back then was that I knew what the cake theme would be for weeks. In some cases, months. (’cause that’s how I roll) Their birthday parties were planned according to a theme down to the very last detail, and I enjoyed every minute of doing it. We had parties in the following themes: rocketships, cars, Blue’s Clues, Magic School Bus, trains, and many more than my aged mind cannot remember at this moment. They were all glorious. As they got older, birthdays didn’t become any less important but, post-Bar Mitzvah, we just…

  • Amazing People,  Best Thing Ever,  Blessings,  Food,  Friends,  Something That Could Change Your Life,  Spreading the Bloggie Love,  Too Funny To Ignore,  Travels

    Meat Maidens Gone Wild!!!

    Yesterday was, as expected, a blast. But it was about 10,000 times better than I could have ever imagined. A mere blog post won’t even capture it properly; you truly had to be there. Momo did her own summary. The pictures would have spoken for themselves had it not been for the adorable RHYMING VERSE she used. She’s good. Really good. But I’ll try to give you a taste of it. First, the road trip to the Land of Momo. My van-mates? The lovely Weaselmomma: and the equally lovely Surprised Mom: Honestly, if you happen to be riding across the midwest (or where ever) in the middle seat of a…

  • Food,  Jew Stuff

    Don’t Pass Over This Post!

    We’re taking a wee break (just for a minute) from my seemingly never-ending NYC trip for an acknowledgment of Passover. I’ve had this little Jib Jab Passover video (below) in draft for a while now and wanted to post it. I hope you are amused! Oddly enough (or maybe not so odd?), the little cartoon guy in the video reminds me of Eminem, whose new song (“We Made You”) I heard today for the first time. Ick. I was really disappointed with it. Have you heard it? Want to? Click here to get an earfull (and an eyefull: it’s the video!). Anyway, back to Passover. It started tonight at sundown…

  • Contest,  Family Fun,  Food,  Travels

    If You Can Eat It There, You May Not Be Able To Eat It Anywhere…

    Did you know I’ve got a contest going on right now, to win a little prize package from NYC? Click HERE for more info! I figured that a separate post on the food we ate was in order. Don’t worry, it won’t be hella-long. Our hotel actually included a continental breakfast in the room price, so I only have a few exciting meals to bore you about. I mentioned in a prior post that, when we first arrived in the city, our room wasn’t ready so we hopped on the subway and went to Brooklyn, walking back to Manhattan on the bridge. That’s not all we did; we also ate…

  • Family Fun,  Food,  Travels

    Just A Little Sex in the City

    Did you know I’ve got a contest going on right now, to win a little prize package from NYC? Click HERE for more info! Greenwich Village is another one of NYC’s great neighborhoods. Mostly residential with a bohemian feel, the streets are lined with cool shops and coffeehouses (“Friends” was set in the Village!). Like SoHo, the Village is an area meant for aimless meandering; there are countless “treasures” to be found. We didn’t have a lot of time in the Village on the day we visited (unfortunately), so we didn’t get to see one of the most famous parks in New York City other than Central Park. I have…

  • Contest,  Food,  Travels

    Where They’ll Know You’re a Visitor If You Say It Like The City In Texas

    Did you know I’ve got a contest going on right now, to win a little prize package from NYC? Click HERE for more info! One of my favorite neighborhoods in Manhattan is SoHo. SoHo stands for “South of Houston (Street)”, but don’t say “Houston” like the city in Texas. The street in Manhattan is pronounced “How-ston”. And yes, there is a NoHo, “North of Houston”. SoHo is a fun, artsy area with tons of galleries, quaint shops, and gorgeous buildings like these: On this day, we had some key spots we wanted to see: a couple were new to just Jim and the boys, and a couple were new to…

  • Food

    Eats On the Cheap: Easier Than You Think!

    Once upon a time, I was to be a contributor for a Chicago restaurant blog. I was really excited about the opportunity, because I was going to be the Suburban Restaurant Girl (official title. not.). I was asked to write a few articles ahead of the launch date, so I did. They paid me (in pennies, I think), and then the blog–in that format–was killed before launch. Almost a year later, the company started a new blog, and the writers it had already contracted with for the old one were told that they would only need one writer and if we were interested in the job, we had to send…