• I'm Apparently Old.

    Creative Parenting 101: The Magic of Blankets

    It recently occurred to me that I should mix in a few stories of my parents’ Creative Parenting 101. After all, it is partly because of them that I am the type of creative person and parent that I am today, and I can say that without a doubt my sister and I turned out to be wonderfully fabulous individuals so I know that they did a bunch of stuff correctly. And without a book or anything! Maybe this will be information you can use! Who knows??? This story involves a certain pink blanket that we kept in the car. We called it the Pee Pee Blanket. No, I’m not…

  • I'm Apparently Old.,  Random Thoughts

    Stop Twittering My Facebook, You Plurk!

    First, watch this. (But not at work or around curious children.) It’ll open up a new window. Ready? Okay. I can’t seem to make up my mind about technology. I love discovering the joys of using new things, in due time. I’m not even just talking about microwave ovens, VCRs, Cuisinarts, computers, DVD players, or Nintendo, none of which were widely available (or in some cases, even invented) when I was a little girl but in the past thirty years have become mainstream. Whenever something new comes out, I love the idea of it. Normally (as an adult with a household budget to consider), I resist the cost of these…

  • Fun in Chicago,  I'm Apparently Old.,  Music

    We’re On Our Way, George!

    Get tickets–check. Surprise sister—check. Wait.–check. Wait some more.–check. Change typical pre-concert strategy by NOT listening to all of his greatest hits, so the concert will be “more enjoyable and not go by so quickly”–check. Read a great post by my sister on concert day–check. Color hair to get rid of the gray–check. Convince myself that I colored my hair really to get rid of those pesky grays that show themselves again every couple of months and NOT to try to feel like I’m again a teen at this concert–check. Finish blogging and get on the road–check! More tomorrow!

  • I'm Apparently Old.

    Uncontrollable Laughter One Day, Hysterical Tears the Next…

    You all know how much I aggravate myself when I do too many pop culture-type posts in a row. “Well self”, I am saying to myself, “get ready to be ticked off.” Deep breath. I was watching “The Baby Borrowers” tonight (Ooh, that’s another post for another day. But not this week!), which is the NBC show about five teenaged couples who sign on to this “experiment” where they care for babies for three days. Then toddlers. Then pre-teens. Then teens. Then elderly folks. I really enjoyed the show tonight and made many judgmental and old lady-sounding comments to the television. Some of the couples were doing pretty well, and…

  • Blessings,  I'm Apparently Old.

    Sixteen! Whaaat? But I Was Just Sixteen!

    Yikes. Jim and I are now old enough to have a sixteen-year-old son. I can’t believe how quickly the years have flown by. It seems like yesterday he was only a baby! We used to tell the kids on every birthday (TEASING! TEASING! But not really), “You have X years left before you’re outta here!” (subtracting new age from the number 18) This boy started telling people that when he was a youngster: “Well, I’m nine now. Only nine more years before I have to get out of the house.” When he became a teen, the reality set in that this time was going to fly by, and maybe it…

  • I'm Apparently Old.,  Too Funny To Ignore

    Lucidity Is In The Eye of the Beholder

    A few weeks ago, I was thrilled to find out (because he told me) that the thirteen-year-old had created a Summer To-Do List. Thrilled is putting it lightly, actually. My joy came from several sources: 1. I am excited that this boy wants to get some goals accomplished while school is out.2. I am excited that he is really thinking about what he likes to do.3. Okay, I was excited because the Fine Art of Making To-Do Lists is yet another fabulous quality inherited from his fabulous Mom. (uh, that’d be me.) I can’t remember what I was doing when he told me that he made this list, but I…

  • I'm Apparently Old.,  Random Thoughts

    See? Everything From the ’80’s DOES Eventually Come Back.

    I just read on TMZ that, starting June 2, you can bid on some of Bill Cosby’s famous–or are they infamous??–sweaters, worn on his tv show. Proceeds will benefit his Hello Friend/Ennis William Cosby Foundation, which carries on the work of his late son. If you want more info about the auction, click here. These sweaters are best worn while: 1. Listening to why your son should be able to borrow money to go to a voodoo expert 2. Discovering how excited your kids can be after being in a car accident…with Stevie Wonder 3. Helping your daughter buy her first car 4. Chall-ahnging a tap dance professional You’re welcome!

  • Family Fun,  I'm Apparently Old.

    Celebrating Memorial Day With Thousands of My Closest Friends

    Yesterday was Memorial Day, and we started it off the same way we have for the past couple of years: the two boys, along with others from their Boy Scout Troop, marched in our town’s parade, escorting the Gold Star Families (families who have lost a loved one who was defending our country at the time). I absolutely love love love our town’s parade. It takes place, as most parades do, in the downtown area. Thousands of people come out to watch, and it is just really charming. Our town has grown from a population of just over 100,000 when we moved here in 1995 to almost 130,000 now, yet…

  • I'm Apparently Old.

    We Almost Went Home With Only One Son…ALMOST.

    The four of us went out to dinner last night, and I had a great opportunity to become a successful writer, according to my post of a couple days ago. You see, the restaurant has about 25 television sets, mostly set to sports channels. NASCAR coverage was on a few of them, and while watching it for a few minutes, the fifteen-year-old asked, “How come it’s all old guys driving NASCAR?” I said, “What did you say?” (I wasn’t sure I had heard him correctly, and in that second it didn’t make sense to me anyway because I was pretty sure that NASCAR drivers cover a pretty wide age range)…