We are learning about Passover in my 2nd grade religious school class right now (it begins at sunset on March 29), and I wanted to share something hilarious that my class did this morning. When I arrived at school I was really excited to find a Passover Mad Lib in my teacher mailbox. Kids who are seven or eight years old LOVE Mad Libs, and we’ve done one in class for Purim before, but never Passover, so I was eager to use it. What follows is the Mad Lib that the class created, with their crazy fill-in-the-blank suggestions in bold type. (P.S. I did NOT fill in any of the…
Apparently I Need My Religious School Teaching License Revoked.
My second grade religious school class was working on a project for an upcoming all-school event called “Torah Day”. We were asked to make puppets of some sort that portray different people from our bible stories (Old Testament). My co-teacher and I decided, due to the age and wide range of motor skills in our 19 students, to do some simple paper-on-a-stick puppets. We started with a simple “gingerbread man shape” on white paper, and then glued them onto a colored background before putting the popsicle stick on the back. As you might expect, some of my seven-to-eight year olds did some quick scribbling and then decided they were finished,…
Christmas Time For The Jews
To all of you who are celebrating it today, I wish you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas! I hope you have a special, meaningful, and FUN day with your family. You know what I’LL be doing…
Hanukkah Fun, Minus One
A few months ago, Julesie bought the boys tickets to see “Young Frankenstein: The Musical” for Hanukkah, and Jim and I bought tickets for ourselves so we could tag along. Yesterday was the day, and the plan was to go to the city for the musical and then head back to our house for latkes and blintzes and more Hanukkah fun. The best laid plans… Unfortunately, Julesie came down with a little case of food poisoning, and couldn’t go. It was a huge bummer, not only because this was her gift to the boys, but because we love us a little Fab Five Fun. Did I mention what a big…
Hanukkah Begins At Sundown. Got Music?
No? Well then, let me fix you right up. Head over to Music Savvy Mom today to read my guest post! Happy Hanukkah to my Jewish readers! Enjoy!
Bat Mitzvah Snapshots
I did a post after Yom Kippur a couple of months ago that contained a couple of mental snapshots from the day. Today, the person who stood up on the bimah and gave the announcements and guidelines for today’s service mentioned that, except for the official photographer who the family hired to capture the day, those who were there for worship services were not allowed to use cameras (of course I knew that already), but should instead capture memories of the service mentally, for keeps. Naturally I’ve done this all along, but it suddenly occurred to me that when I don’t have a camera, I really am good at taking…
For A Rockin’ Bat Mitzvah
My latest rainbow cake creation is one of my favorites, ever. I made it for a special girl, the daughter of a good friend of mine who is becoming a Bat Mitzvah today. Mazel Tov, Allie!
A (Meeko) Fabulous Question
My buddy Meeko Fabulous asked a great question in a comment earlier this week, and I thought a post about my answer would be a great Public Service Announcement right now, at the beginning of the holiday season. His question? Would a Jewish person get offended if they were given a Christmas card? I unintentionally committed that faux pas last year and got an earful . . . Your thoughts? I did a post that touched on this last year, but I’m too lazy to link it. First of all, I have to put the disclaimer out there that my answer is just that: Mine. My opinion may not be…
It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like…Hanukkah!
Once again, Target stores are carrying a line of Hanukkah items for canines. THANK YOU, Target! You rock!
Stopping To Enjoy the Flowers
I wanted to give you a photo update of my son’s Boy Scout Eagle project (at our temple), because this week it just looks spectacular and I remembered that I never updated on the blog after the first day of completion! I thought it looked totally amazing on the day the installation was complete, especially because before, there was nothing in the temple’s front yard except for grass. See? Nice, huh? Over the past few months (It was *just* springtime when this was all done!), we’ve been taking pictures at various stages of growth and bloom; I want to do something with the various photos for his recognition ceremony in…