I observed three LOVEly things while sitting in the sanctuary for Yom Kippur services today. 1. The gentleman who has been my second grade co-teacher in Religious School for twelve years was called up to the bima with his wife to do an aliyah (a blessing before a Torah reading). He is a member of our High Holidays choir and very outgoing and funny; she is quiet and not too many people at the temple know her well because she’s had major health problems for years. I have met her a few times and have spoken with her on the phone a few times too, when I’ve called him to…
Making Amends
Tonight (at sundown), a major Jewish holiday begins. Here’s last year’s post on it, in case you want to gain a little more knowledge about it. Yom Kippur is the “Day of Atonement”, on which Jews all over the world atone for any wrongdoings that they have caused over the past year. We fast for the 25 hour period*, and our family spends a nice chunk of the day in services at the synagogue. The nice thing about being hungry at the temple is that everyone else is hungry too; it’s like a mass stomach-growling festival! The reason that we fast is to help us be introspective, to think about…
L’Shanah Tovah Tikatevu!
Rosh Hashanah began last night at sundown, so I want to wish my Jewish readers (Rockdrool, Lilacspecs, Movie Maven, and all of the rest of you out there!) L’Shanah Tovah Tikatevu: may you be inscribed for a sweet year. I wrote about Rosh Hashanah and what it is last year; you can find that post here. We’re headed to services at the temple this morning; I’m looking forward to it. To be honest, we have not gone to temple very much at all in the past few months. Today (as well as on Yom Kippur, a week from Monday) there will be a jam-packed sanctuary; the High Holidays are much…
Flying High
It’s done. I have to be totally honest: there were a few moments during which Jim and I doubted we’d be able to say that. But here we are. I’m talking about the Older Boy’s Boy Scout Eagle Project. It has been a little less than a year in the making; it’s been a year of pushing, pulling, nagging, complaining–some by us, some by him. It’s been a year of learning when to stop pushing and let him take the reins. It’s been the year of gentle reminders. It’s been the year of juggling and prioritizing. It’s been a year of a wee bit o’ negativity, but mostly positivity. It’s…
Don’t Pass Over This Post!
We’re taking a wee break (just for a minute) from my seemingly never-ending NYC trip for an acknowledgment of Passover. I’ve had this little Jib Jab Passover video (below) in draft for a while now and wanted to post it. I hope you are amused! Oddly enough (or maybe not so odd?), the little cartoon guy in the video reminds me of Eminem, whose new song (“We Made You”) I heard today for the first time. Ick. I was really disappointed with it. Have you heard it? Want to? Click here to get an earfull (and an eyefull: it’s the video!). Anyway, back to Passover. It started tonight at sundown…
L’dor Vador
Happy Purim to all of my Jewish peeps out there! I posted the background behind the holiday last year, so to save time, I’m linking it right here. Last night we went to the Megillah reading at the temple, and it was a total blast. Last year’s reading was fun (click here to read how that went), but this year was a little more fun. It’s always a great time to get together with the other families in our community, but Purim is extra-fun because it is supposed to be wild and crazy. Last night was extra-noisy. There were whoopie cushions, musical instruments, and other various noisemakers (we call them…
Eight Crazy Posts! (#8) (Finally!) (Whew!)
In this, the last of eight crazy posts, I have a few reflections on and memories of Hanukkah 2008 that I’d like to share. Last Sunday: First night of Hanukkah. Awesome night; had to dust off the cellphone rules (and adjust them a bit) because the thirteen-year-old was getting a cellphone for Hanukkah! If you did not read my first post in March about cellphone rules for your kid, it’s a must-read. Click here! It was quite exciting and I took video, but because we used the actual video camera (instead of the “video feature” on my regular digital camera), it can only be burned to DVD and not uploaded…
Eight Crazy Posts! (#7)
Tonight is the seventh night of Hanukkah. Only tomorrow night remains and then it’s all over until…when? Hanukkah 2009 begins at sundown on December 11! It’s gonna be great; that means that next year, I’ll be done celebrating Hanukkah just as the last-minute Christmas shoppers are just getting revved up. Confused? Let me explain. While Christmas falls on the same day of the Gregorian calendar each year, Hanukkah is different…on the GREGORIAN calendar. On the Hebrew calendar, Hanukkah actually does fall on the very same day annually: the 25th day of the month Kislev. The Hebrew calendar is different from the Gregorian (January-December) calendar. In order to make a long…
Eight Crazy Posts! (#6)
I was raised as a Reform (liberal) Jew. Although I am originally from the Chicago area, my family did not live “up on the North Shore”, where the heaviest concentration of Jews in this area is. We lived in the south suburbs, and although we belonged to a thriving temple, I was the only Jewish girl in my public school. I don’t recall being particularly open about my religion as a kid; I didn’t necessarily hide it but I also typically didn’t call attention to it. My parents didn’t start me on Hebrew school in 3rd grade as was typical (for Bat Mitzvah training) and, a couple of moves later…
Eight Crazy Posts! (#5)
Merry Christmas to all of my friends out there who are celebrating it! I hope you have a fun-filled day with your families. My non-Jewish friends often ask me, “What exactly do you DO on Christmas?” The answer? Nothing. It’s actually very, very difficult to go out and do anything, because almost everything is obviously closed. You readers who celebrate Christmas probably can’t really relate because you are very busy opening gifts in the morning around the tree and then getting ready to spend the rest of the day with relatives; imagine if you didn’t do that. The world is almost like a ghost town. I’m not complaining; actually it’s…