Yesterday morning I had a huge lightbulb go off in my head: I have done special playlists to use in my group cycling class for the December holidays and Valentine’s Day…why not for St. Patrick’s Day? They would probably eat that up in my Wednesday class! I spent about 60 minutes trying to figure out which groups and which songs to find or purchase and add to the playlist, and when I was done with the gathering part, I suddenly realized something very important. St. Patty’s Day is this Monday, the 17th. My cycling classes are Tuesday and Wednesday, the 18th and 19th. UGH. BUT, I guess there’s no rule…
Madonna Makes The People Come Together…Yeah.
I just caught the encore of last night’s Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony on VH1 Classic. By the time I settled down in front of the tv last night when it was on LIVE, I was only able to catch Billy Joel’s long-ass introduction for John Cougar/John Cougar Mellencamp/John Mellencamp, and John’s equally long-ass speech, which were both mildly entertaining. I have always liked John Mellencamp, both his songs and his passion for the Midwest and its farmers. But alas, while I assumed that Madonna’s induction would be last (keeping the people hooked in for the ratings), I had missed her. I set my DVR for today’s…
It’s Been So Long Since I’ve Had a Whammy Kiss…
I was just reading up on the important local, national, and international news of the day at tmz when I read the MOST exciting thing: The B-52s are back! They will release their first studio album in 16 years this March, and the first single, “Funplex”, is already available at iTunes! Can I get a What-What?? I’ve been listening to them since high school and in fact–how timely is this?–for my birthday this past November, Kate sent me her two VINYL B-52s albums that she had in high school! If you’re not a child of the ’80s or are just not familiar with the B52s, read up on them here.…
Miscellanea on a Snowy Day
Happy Snowy Day! Note that I did not say “Happy SNOW Day”, much to my kids’ dismay. (I am a poet and didn’t know it!) The news people are broadcasting that we have now had the first “major” Winter Storm of the year here in Chicagoland. I say, “HUH?” and “not really”. The first winter storm, yes. I’ll give them that one. Major? Not by a long shot. A mere 3-5 inches, depending upon where you live, is really nothing for this area. I remember the Blizzard of 1979, when we couldn’t even get out the back door. Now THAT was a major storm. Anyway, I think the people the…
I’m Driving, So I Get To Pick the Music. (You’ll Thank Me Someday)
Most Moms spend hours upon hours carting their kids to this activity or that appointment. As soon as the child is born, you might as well face it: you and your husband have not only just become parents, but you’ve also become Chauffeurs. Although I never judged or criticized, I could never figure out my friends who listened to all “kids music”–all the time–while they are driving. I got enough of it (and even enjoyed some of it, in moderation) from the television. While my friends lamented the umpteenth Barney CD or whatever other adorable soundtrack to their kids’ lives they purchased and had on a constant loop, I always…
If I Ever Needed For You To De-lurk, Today Would Be The Day…
Obviously I love getting comments on the blog…it’s validation that there are one or two people out there who are reading my stuff! But today…well, today I need assistance! I am beginning to assemble a holiday music playlist for my group cycling class, and the first song that I thought would be nostalgic to spin to is this one: Yowza! Great memories with that gathering of artists, as I’m an ’80’s gal. But–the horror!–although I have it on vinyl, I can’t find this original version anywhere online, meaning I can’t download it! I know there are two more recent versions (one of which I will probably use if I am…