Note: This post is part of Fatherhood Friday at Dad Blogs, where all the cool kids are hanging out. (Moms are welcome over there!) I *might* even have a column called “Teen Angst” there. Welcome to my visitors from DB; thanks for stopping in! Today is a special day, and it’s just lucky that it falls on Fatherhood Friday this year: it’s my (and Julesie’s) Dad’s birthday! My Dad is a character; I’ve posted stories about him before, and he’s even done two posts here on his own! In honor of his birthday, I’m giving you a couple of links to posts that will make you smile, laugh, and quite…
Once Upon A Tine
Well, my Dad is back by popular demand! If you missed his guest post last week, I encourage you to go back and read it, here. This week, he’s sharing the other big story from his childhood that has kept us in hysterics since we can remember. I hope you enjoy it! (Aw, actually, I *know* you will enjoy it.) ONCE UPON A ‘TINE’ (Or, ‘Tine’ heals all wounds…’ almost!) As I continue my journey down memory lane, (which I don’t normally like to do, unless it’s about tormenting my older sister) another pleasant story about HER and me comes to mind and never fails to make me smile. This…
Still The Boss of the Skating Rink After All These Years
Note: This post is part of Fatherhood Friday at Dad Blogs, where all the cool kids are hanging out. (Moms are welcome over there!) Welcome to my visitors from DB; thanks for stopping in! My (and Julesie’s) Dad used to regale us with stories of his teenaged years. I always pictured him to be a little like Danny Zuko in character; you know, mischievous with a heart of gold. One of my favorite stories really isn’t a story; rather, it’s a slice of a story whose image plays in my mind often when I think of my Dad. As a teenager, he used to be the guy who rollerskated around…