Oh my gosh, do I love Hallmark. I always have: not only did my mom manage Hallmark stores for years (I helped out over some of the holidays, too), but also the quality of their products is unmatched. In general, there’s something about greeting cards that is magical to me. I’m always amazed to find cards that say exactly the right sentiment for whatever occasion I’m celebrating. And of course, when I want to say it in my own words, in my own hand, I can always choose a card that’s blank inside. Here’s one my favorite Brian Regan clips of all time. Watch. Trust me, it’s hilarious. Anyway, back…
Get In The Game…And Win!
Over the past few years, there has been lots of talk about making cuts in programs which, in my opinion, are very, very important for growing kids: sports and music. Due to institutional budget cuts as well as the state of the economy itself, which causes families to have to make some of the same budget cuts in order to keep food on the table, organizations are looking for more help than ever to ensure survival. Our lacrosse club is an expensive venture for anyone who wants to be a part of it, and I’m not just talking about the equipment. (Have you SEEN the prices on lacrosse equipment? Sheesh!)…
Naked Fitness Workshops (Trust Me, It’s Not What You Think)
As someone who is not only interested in fitness but also an ACE-certified group fitness instructor, I am always on the lookout for information or products that are new or helpful to either my own health and wellness goals, those of the people in my classes, or both. After meeting Andrea Metcalf, a fitness expert based in the Chicago area, at the Blogher conference in August, I’ve been keeping an eye out for information regarding her upcoming book, Naked Fitness (which is about “stripping off all of the excuses” and not exercising with no clothes on, as you might wonder). The book is coming out on December 28 (just in…
Interview With Kate McGroarty, MSI’s Roommate!
Remember how Kate McGroarty won the Museum of Science and Industry’s “Month at the Museum” contest? I got to interview her this week! Read all about it at Suburban Scrawl!
Review: Keeping Fit With Andrea Metcalf
You probably already know that working out is one of my favorite things to do. Even though my ability and desire to make time for workouts in addition to the classes I teach regularly varies widely according to the rest of my schedule in any given week, once I do make the time, I really enjoy it. One of the changes I’ve made over the past couple of years is less driving to the gym for workouts (when I’m not teaching, of course) and more finding at-home ways to get my heart rate up. (I’m talking about exercise: stay focused, people!) I find that I often get much more enjoyment…
Chicago’s Museum of Science and Industry Has a New Resident: Kate McGroarty!
Well, the people voted, and I’m happy to report that Kate McGroarty has won the once-in-a-lifetime experience of living at the Museum of Science and Industry for thirty days! (This makes me intensely happy, because Kate was my pick!) (Can I say that?) (I just did!) Kate’s win was announced at the Museum this morning while she and the other finalists performed a chemistry experiment (mixing hydrogen peroxide, dish soap and sodium iodide) that looked the same, but in the end it was Kate’s mixture that produced a huge chemical reaction, signaling that she was the Museum’s newest resident! (This is supposed to be on ABC World News Tonight with…
Family Time IS Happy Time! (& So Is Eating An Angus Deluxe Snack Wrap)
First, if you haven’t yet entered to win a $75 gift credit to the NOVICA website (beautiful handcrafted jewelry, home decor, and more from around the world!), please do. Click here! By now you all know that there are certain brands to which I have a deep-seated loyalty. One of them, of course, is McDonalds. (Quick recap: my first job was at Mickey D’s; I worked there for more than two years, at a brand new store just outside the grounds of my high school. Since then, I have deeply admired the company itself, not only for the product but also for the inner workings and the good it does…
Tea at the Plaza Hotel, With Dyson
Last month I attended a Tea at the Plaza Hotel in New York City along with other writers from The Chicago Moms, Chicagonista, and NY Metropolista. The event was sponsored by Dyson, and it was a lot of fun, but I have to back up for a second. The Plaza Hotel has had a special place in my heart since childhood. My sister and I were big fans of Eloise, a fictional character created by author Kay Thompson and illustrator Hilary Knight. We had still have the original Eloise book, and as daughters of a hotel manager, totally loved the story about this precocious little girl who lived at the…
Passion For Learning: A Visit To Scholastic Headquarters!
I was honored to be on the invite list for the Scholastic Breakfast in New York City during the BlogHer conference. Then I found out that Ms. Frizzle would be escorting us to the company headquarters, and I was psyched. Ms. Frizzle will always hold a special place in my heart; The Magic School Bus books were a staple of the older boy’s childhood. They were his favorites by far, as was the animated television show. In fact, for his birthday one year (I think he was seven. Maybe eight.) we did a Magic School Bus science party in our backyard, complete with a huge school bus I created out…
CheerFULL, ResourceFULL, and ThankFULL at Hallmark’s Christmas in August Event, NYC 2010
One of the highlights of my time in New York City was the Hallmark “Christmas in August” event. I was thrilled to no end a few months back when I received an e-mail asking if I’d like to come, because my mom worked for Hallmark for years (my sister worked in her stores during high school, and I filled in over the holiday season when my older son was a baby). I know firsthand the quality of their products, and the creativity that lives within the company. I can tell you that, from the day I first received that e-mail until after the event was over, the fine men and…