• Roxie

    Roxie, Run.

    My friend Mocha Dad recently wrote about how his dog, Ginger, ran away (she was found and came home later, thank goodness!). Had he not titled the post “The Case of the Runaway Beagle” (okay, and had I not known already that he had a beagle at home), I could have guessed the breed just by reading the story. Beagles are notorious for being able to slip out unnoticed and take off, tracking whatever attractive scent that gets up in their nasal cavity. Of course I have first-hand experience with this situation. With my particular beagle? It’s happened three times. The first time was my fault. Roxie was still a…

  • Roxie

    This Post Works Better If You Squint.

    After I took a bunch of photos of Roxie in her Lady Gaga Halloween costume, she* wanted to try to dress up like a couple of other celebrities**. Marilyn Monroe: Cher: Any random female olympic figure skater (In my mind, I picture Ekaterina Gordeeva): She needs an agent. Any takers? *And by “she” wanted to try to dress up, I meant “I”. **Actually, the photo shoot came first. The google search for matching celebrity photos came much later.

  • Do I Really Want My Readers To Know This?,  I've Got Mad Skillz,  Music,  Roxie

    Hey, That’s No Lady!

    Every year, I get a Halloween costume for Roxie. Yes, she’s a dog. Yes, I know that this is bizarre behavior. Do you know what else is bizarre? I get the costume ONLY for a photo shoot. She doesn’t actually wear it for longer than about a ten-minute period. So maybe I’m bizarre, but not completely weird. (RIGHT?) Anyway, in the past, Roxie has been a devil (that one lasted two years: the puppy years!), a hot dog, and a princess. This year? I had a stroke of genius. I put my dog in a costume that is not only unique, but timely. And way more hip than that stupid…

  • Proud Moments,  Roxie,  Too Funny To Ignore

    Day One: Check!

    Note: This post is part of Fatherhood Friday at Dad Blogs, where all the cool kids are hanging out. (Moms are welcome over there!) I *might* even have a column called “Teen Angst” there. Welcome to my visitors from DB; thanks for stopping in! We sent the kids off to their first day of school yesterday without a hitch as usual; it’s hard to believe that they are both in high school. Every year on the first day, I take a photo of them standing together. I’ve done this since the older one was in preschool and the younger one wasn’t even in school yet; I was going to post…

  • Roxie

    We Interrupt This Warm, Post-BlogHer Glow For a Rant…

    Dear Witch-that-lives-down-the-street, You really pissed me off a few minutes ago. There I was, innocently walking my rambunctious little dog-child down the street and on the home stretch when she, having to poo, veered into the front corner of your yard next to your driveway by a mere three inches. As she got into poo-position and started to do her business–for the second time on this particular walk–you appeared at your screened window and shouted at me, “Hey, could you not do that?” First of all, *I* wasn’t doing anything. But whatev. I replied to you, “I’m sorry, she had to go, and I already used the bag I had…

  • Do I Really Want My Readers To Know This?,  Roxie,  Travels

    Guess Who’s Going On Vacation?

    Yes, that little cherub is going on vacation, but not with us. She’ll be spending her time at the Petsmart Petshotel, which is her absolute favorite place in the world…other than at home, next to Jim. She’ll play daily in Doggie Day Camp with all of her doggie friends. She might even send a postcard to Buddy and Penny, the NukeBeagles. I have sufficiently overplanned as I always do for a trip. In fact, this is how over-the-top I went this time: ~~~I took a little blank journal and wrote down every place in NYC that we would like to visit if at all possible, along with the address, phone…

  • Do I Really Want My Readers To Know This?,  Roxie

    Happy Bark-day!

    Today is Roxie’s fifth birthday. There was very little fanfare in the morning, I’m sure, because I spent the night in the city last night with Kate and wasn’t here today to remind Jim and the boys to give Roxie an extra special “Good morning!” Wait. “Little fanfare?” I feel confident that there was none. I am the only one who keeps track of things like the dog’s birthday. I’m sure their remorse will be palpable when they find out they forgot. I can’t believe that she’s been with us for six weeks short of five years. They grow so fast! (sniff sniff) I was going to tell you the…

  • Friends,  Roxie,  Spreading the Bloggie Love

    Help Me Help Him Get Out

    I guess I’m in a pretty helpful mood this week. First I gave blood. Then I sent a shout-out about helping Sarah pay for her dream come true. Now it’s Nukedad’s turn. You see, Nukedad just applied for a cushy job in the Land Down Undah. The job? Taking care of an island. The pay? $100,000 USD. The job description? Unbelievable. I’ll just let you read his post about it, here. Make sure that you watch his application video and give it 5 stars; he said that if he gets the job, I get to take care of his beagles, Buddy and Penny, while he’s gone. Roxie and I would…

  • Roxie

    For Entertainment Purposes Only: The Many Moods of Roxie

    I have the cutest, most expressive beagle in the world. I know that Nukedad will disagree with that statement because he has two beagles himself, but I am fairly confident that he will say that he thinks Roxie is in his top ten. Anyway, Roxie and I shot some video yesterday for entertainment purposes only. But I’ll get to that in a minute. First I want to post (and in some cases, re-post) some of her finer poses. Playfully submissive (yes, they ARE really playing!) Joyful in the snow Thinker Personal trainer Undeniably adorable Regal Joyful Crabby Unassuming Coy This last one? I had to include it because it cracks…