Everytime I mention that I’m taking the dog snowshoeing, people are fascinated by the idea of a beagle wearing snowshoes. Seriously people, I’m the one wearing the snowshoes. To my knowledge, snowshoes for dogs don’t exist*. Anyway, I wanted to get a workout in today, so I got her ready and we headed out. I decided to document it for posterity (and by “posterity”, I mean “my blog”). Before I show you the first video segment, I need to get a “Holla!” and maybe a “Woot!” or two: between hanging onto the dog who was trying to jerk me in every direction, my snowshoes (before I put them on), my…
Finally, Another “Oppressed Minority” Has Representation!
That’s right, that’s right…it’s been a long time coming, butJewish dogs are finally having their day! In other words, someone has thrown them a bone. Who to thank for this? None other than Isaac Mizrahi. I was walking through my local Tar-zshay yesterday as if it were a Christmas-themed obstacle course. Red and green stuff was everywhere*. I had to pass the pet section to get to the frozen foods area and was single-minded in my errand, when suddenly, lo and behold, I saw something…different. Was it? Nah, couldn’t be. It was! BLUE! Much to my surprise, after years of having few choices when it came to Roxie’s Hanukkah (and…
Hurling Was Never So Hilarious.
Did you see “Jam the Vote” on Weekend Update last night? (Fast Forward to 5:23 and then watch it til 2:56. One more thing: GROSSOUT WARNING!!!!) Well, it’s a good thing I did, because otherwise I wouldn’t have laughed when Roxie just missed vomiting in my face today. I was putting away the laundry in my bedroom, and she was seated in her normal place amongst my pillows: I walked over and sprawled out on my stomach on the bed, blowing in her face through the pillows, and she was making that cute little protest noise that she does when we tease her. I brought my face closer and closer,…
My Furriest Baby, My Last Baby
Some women go ga-ga over babies, long after their youngest is making his own breakfast or tying her own shoes. One visit to a friend who just had a baby and these women are gone; just smelling those little bundles of joy sometimes seems to wipe out any memories of the hours of “discomfort” during labor or the sleepless nights or the crying at the drop of the hat (baby AND mom). Often women will come home from a visit with a new baby and that familiar feeling of wanting another one–to start fresh–is so overpowering. Not me. Ugh. When I hear that a friend is pregnant, “Good for her!”…
Blades of Glory
Speaking of kids growing too big for their stuff, the older one has needed new rollerblades for a long while now. He started blading when he was about seven or eight, and really got into it. I love that he loves it so much. He loves it so much that he eats rollerblades for breakfast and spits them out. We have gone through several pairs of blades in the past three years: at one point when his feet got big enough, he even wore my neglected (only used twice) rollerblades. And he wore them. And he wore them. And he wore them out. We have never spent the money on…
Baby Photo
When the “Other Woman” is a Female Dog. No, Really.
I’m the one who begged for another dog. I’m the one who picked her out. I’m the one who takes her to the vet. I trained her. I walk her. I give her treats. I talk to her. I let her sleep in the bed with me when he travels. Yet… I guess I can share.
The Aftermath of a Great Day: It’s a Good Thing!
I hope everybody out there had a lovely Mother’s Day! I had a fine day; thanks for asking. As is customary, I got four cards: one from Jim, one from each of the kids (they picked out those musical Hallmark cards: SO CUTE!), and one from Roxie. I may have to scan the card that Roxie “picked out” and post it tomorrow; Jim is hilarious. Although I had to teach my religious school class in the morning—meaning no leisurely breakfast in bed—the rest of the day was fabulously low-key, which is just what I needed. We went to see “Baby Mama”, which is a cute movie but not riproaringly hilarious…
Is There a Reality Show Called “My Dog’s A Genius”?
Pure genius. I always knew that Roxie was pretty smart. You all know how she arranged to get a new bed, how she was able to satisfy her sweet tooth, and even how she fit in a little post-walk Fitness Ball workout, but this is truly amazing. Roxie has this Kong toy that she loves. They make Kongs for dogs who really need a chewing challenge. She has never (THANK GOODNESS) chewed our furniture or anything like that, but she rips other toys to shreds. We finally bought her a Kong like this: We break Medium-sized Milk Bones in half and shove them in the hole, and let her loose…
All Better Now!