• Roxie

    The Two of Us Were Up ALL Night Long. It Was Horrible.

    And Jim was sleeping soundly. That’s right, Roxie and I had quite the night. I ended up having to rush her to the vet this morning. She’s okay now, but a little out of it: The sedation is still wearing off. By the end of this post you can trust that you will be wondering why in the world I would write about this; in fact, I was wondering that myself as I was trying to think of a clever, interest-provoking title. But part of the reason people blog is to document the “ordinary”, and part of the reason people read blogs is to learn about what other people spend…

  • Roxie

    She Was Probably Doing It On Purpose, Hoping For An Upgrade

    We crate-trained Roxie, and still, at her almost-4-years-of-age, have to leave her in her “house” (as we call it) when we leave for work or errands. Although it can be frustrating to have a dog who is almost 4 who still acts like a puppy and can’t be trusted alone in the house for more than 10 minutes or so, I really do enjoy her energy…when it’s convenient for me, that is. She has ripped up several crate cushions. I really believe that her nail gets caught a bit on it first and that’s when she notices a snag and starts to work on it, because it’s always a progressive…

  • Roxie

    Maybe She’ll Play Veruca Salt in the Next Willy Wonka Movie

    I meant to post this the other day but time got away from me; you know how it goes. I was here in the basement at my work station (Probably not actually working, but looking at blogs!) while the kids were at school. I suddenly started hearing a noise through the floor/ceiling, coming from upstairs where the dog was. SPLAT! rolllllllll rolllllll rollllllll rollllllll…. And then a minute later, SPLAT! rolllllllll rolllllll rollllllll rollllllll…. And then another minute later, SPLAT! rolllllllll rolllllll rollllllll rollllllll…. “What the hell is she into now?” I asked myself, wondering when this dog of 3 years, 11 months (today in fact!) will grow out of…

  • Random Thoughts,  Roxie

    Congratulations Uno!!! Arroooooooo!!

    If you’re joining us from Manic Mommy’s blog, welcome! The post you’re here specifically to read is the next one down (but you’re welcome to sit a spell…). I just HAD to put this up today, since the beagle is my breed! Many congratulations to Uno (formal name: K-Run’s Park Me in First) and Aaron Wilkerson, his handler, on the first-ever beagle win at the Westminster Kennel Club’s Dog Show. Roxie says, “Hey Hot Stuff, congratulations. Wanna spend some time with a saucy Suburban little Beagle Lady, who’s sweet on the outside but sinful on the inside? Call me!”

  • Roxie

    Dog Eat Dog, part two…OR, What Happened to Bobo??

    Watch this adorable Petsmart commercial. I don’t know if it’s still in rotation, but when it was on quite often, I would stop everything to watch it. The other day when the boys and I were at Walgreens, we found a blue dog just like the pink one in the commercial. Wouldn’t it be so cute if Roxie became attached to Bobo and carried him around everywhere? The chances of that happening were quite slim though, knowing her history. She’s never met a stuffed toy that lasted longer than 10 minutes, except for the flying monkeys that she plays with on a regular basis. Although we knew what the blue…

  • Roxie

    Dog Eat Dog. part one

    Roxie and I were just sitting here checking our e-mail: (Yes, this is a common place for her to be when I’m at the computer…) …and we were reminiscing about yesterday, when we introduced her to a new playmate. First they did a little kissing. Stay tuned for what happened in the next 10 minutes!

  • Roxie,  Tough Questions,  Working On My Fitness

    The Dog Proves Once Again That No Matter How Much She Wants To Be a Human, She Will Never Be One

    Fulfilling the commitment I made to myself to “move daily”, I just got back from a 40 minute walk with Roxie. It was one of the most annoying walks I’ve had in a long time. Not only was she “reverse sneezy”, but it was practically endless today. Unlike “most” beagles, she does not stand still while she does this during a walk: she just keeps going. I make her sit for a couple of seconds and she stops, but as soon as we resume walking she begins again and I’m looking over my shoulder wondering how many people are outside thinking I’m a terrible pet owner for walking a dog…

  • Roxie,  Too Funny To Ignore,  Working On My Fitness

    You’ve Heard of Mom & Baby Workouts…

    It’s a busy day so I plan on a longer post tomorrow, but this was just too funny. It’s in the 50’s in Chicagoland today and all the snow is melting for now. No time to waste: I took Roxie for a nice, long, 70-minute walk this morning to tire us both out and to fulfill my commitment to myself to improve my workouts. We came back sweaty (probably just me) and filthy (mostly her) and I decided to do some arm work and some ab work using the fitness ball I got for my birthday. Then, this happenned. I guess she thought I had done enough for today. UPDATE:…