It’s been more than one month since I announced that my book will finally be published this year, so I thought I’d give you a quick update on where I’m at in the process. First, the cover. I don’t think I have mentioned it here on the blog, but my cover artist is someone I am extremely close to: he’s my son!! D, who is a graphic design major, created the front cover of the book. This is special to me for many reasons, as you can imagine. Besides the obvious, I love that my son designed this cover and my sister designed the cover of my first book: we’re…
Alright, Who Ate My Feed??
Just a quick note to those of you who read Suburban Scrawl using Google Reader or any other feed reader: My sister brought it to my attention (thank you!) that the video I embedded near the end of yesterday’s post, the thing I referred to as “one of the funniest things I’ve ever created”, didn’t show up in the feed at all, meaning that if you read my post and didn’t click through to the blog page itself, you were probably thinking, “Wow, funniest thing ever, huh? Too bad she didn’t want to share it.” Rest assured, I did. So if you missed it, readers of my feed, please click…
Thank You. And You. And You.
I’ve been working on something exciting for the last four hours: the Acknowledgments section for my book. It has been difficult for me, not only because there are so many people to thank, and not only because there is no possible way I could list every single one of my friends, and not only because I hope there are no hurt feelings about that fact, and not only because my brain is a jumbled, thankful mess at the moment, but also just because I’m having a hard time editing myself. I mean, I’m just not the type of person who can write, “To so-and-so: thanks for everything!” I have to…
It’s Likely That The Only Bigger News Would Be That I’m Pregnant.
Bite your tongue. Oh wait, *I* said that. I’m not pregnant, but I am now expecting something this year: the publication of my second book! I know. I can’t believe it myself. I’ve worked on this labor of love since 2005 (with the bulk of it at the top of my priority list for the past two years), and the fact that it will be out there this year totally blows my mind. The last fourteen months have been an interesting (and frustrating) part of this journey. When I sent several proposals out to publishers in November 2009, I proclaimed to the universe how badly I wanted this to happen.…
While I Work On The Second*, Did You Know There Is A First?
Every now and then I enjoy taking the liberty–since it is MY blog and all–of promoting my first book. It’s a children’s book about pet loss called Remembering Ruby: For Families Living Beyond the Loss of a Pet. I wrote it after the death of our first beagle, Bijoux (bee-shoo), who lived a great life for her thirteen years on earth. Besides being a great book (hey, if I don’t love it, how can I expect anyone else to love it??), it’s beautiful: my sister created the cover and did the photo editing and the page layouts on the inside. In fact, check out the cover: Gorgeous, right? (I told…
New Here? Get To Know Me!
BlogHer recap? Sure, sure. I’ll get to it. Hopefully tomorrow. In the meantime, I have a feeling I might be entertaining a few new visitors here at the Scrawl over the next couple of days, because I handed out a bunch of business cards at the conference–AT LEAST 15 of them (*insert rimshot here*)–and if you folks are anything like me, you are checking out new blogs written by new conference friends as you slowly come out of your weekend stupor. Or something like that. So I thought I’d toss out a big “I MISSED YOU!” to all of my readers who couldn’t get to NYC for various reasons, and…
Who, Me???
Yesterday evening I took a moment to say hello on Twitter after a twelve-hour day watching the younger boy’s lacrosse team play six games in a tournament (they took third place: woot!), and was shocked and confused to get this tweet from my friend Carol: I had absolutely no idea what she was talking about because this was the first I had heard of it, so I asked her for clarification, and she sent me the link so I could see for myself. I refreshed the page a couple of times and rubbed my eyes to make sure I was seeing something that was really there, and indeed I was.…
Just a Reminder…
It’s been a while since I have done a shameless self promotion post on this, so I guess today is as good a day as any to use this space for just that reason. Some of you newer readers may have absolutely no idea that I actually have a book out there. It’s called Remembering Ruby: For Families Living Beyond the Loss of a Pet. Although the target age range is 4-9 (ish), it’s really a book meant for families to share together. I can also say that many adults have told me that they read it and found the story to be very helpful. The book has two parts.…
Let’s Take A Field Trip (or Two), Shall We?
I’ve got two posts for you to read today, for the price of one. I know, that price is free. But that only means that you’re getting A LOT for nothing. The catch? You can’t read them here. Let me explain. I’ve got an amazingly clever (if I do say so myself) post over at Music Savvy Mom today. PLEASE go read it, comment, and heck, if you like music (even if you’re not a mom), SUBSCRIBE to MSM. I’ll be posting over there more often (more on that soon), and it’s a really eclectic blog that’s fun to read. What have you got to lose? Anyway, check out my…
Aaaand They’re Off!
I can’t believe it.I’ve been working on a book project, off and on, for more than two years. Actually, the research for it started four years ago, so I guess I could say that I’ve been working on it for four years, but that’s depressing so I’ll stick with “more than two”. Yesterday* was a monumental day for me in this process, because after working intensely for weeks on getting a spiffy and oh-so-professional proposal done**, I finally got it in the mail. To more than one publisher. I have told some people IRL what the book is about, but don’t yet feel like I should put it out here…