• Shameless Promotion

    Could You Do Me a Quick Favor? (Please?)

    My Vancouver-livin’, hockey-lovin’, zen-seekin’, Michael Jackson admirin’, music-adorin’, lovely lookin’ friend Huckdoll recently nominated me for the 2009 Weblog Awards (thank you!!), and although I will certainly not cry if I don’t make it to the finals, I think it’s worth a shot. I mean, what the heck? Who’s to say I shouldn’t be a finalist? Here’s where you come in. The Huckster, as I refer to her in my head but never directly to her in e-mails or comments on her blog, was so sweet that she nominated me in two categories. The first one is “Best Individual Blogger“. Although I think my blog is pretty darn great and…

  • Best Thing Ever,  Proud Moments,  Shameless Promotion

    Luckily, I Didn’t Have To Die Trying.

    Last December, I bought my own domain. (That’s such a geeky thing, isn’t it?) I wanted a website that sort of rolled the information about my book, my various blogs, and all of my other “online presences” under one umbrella. I wanted something that looked professional, simple, clean. I wanted to do it myself. That’s right: I wanted to create my own website. From scratch. I’m pretty adept at working with html coding within my Blogger account right here, so why couldn’t I learn more of it? No reason. Jim bought me one of those “HTML for Dummies” books, and I bought one with CSS stuff in it (hang on,…

  • Shameless Promotion

    One Step Closer To World Domination

    Well, now I’ve done it. I’ve started a review blog. I have thought for a long time about doing it, and I’ve really weighed out the pros and cons, and I just took the plunge. I learned alot about the ins and outs of review blogs at the BlogHer conference last month, and I’ve picked the brain of Liz, my Review Guru, until there was practically nothing left to pick. (Ask her. She’ll tell ya.) So what I’m basically saying is that I did not just literally jump in without thought. This was not impulsive. I did some research. I’m going to do this on my own terms. I’m going…

  • Friends,  Fun in Chicago,  Shameless Promotion,  Spreading the Bloggie Love

    Oh…Is There a Convention Going On Next Week?

    I hadn’t noticed. Alright, just kidding. I have noticed. I’m starting to get pretty darn excited about it but haven’t wanted to talk about it all the time on the Scrawl out of respect for those who aren’t able to go and those who could care less. I do feel the need to do one little bitty blog post about it right now (and maybe one after the convention), so indulge me this once (and then that second time), if you will. Thanks. ClothingNo, I don’t know what I’m wearing yet. I am no fashionista, yet I want to look nice. I keep reading about these women buying fancy shoes…

  • Do I Really Want My Readers To Know This?,  Family Fun,  My Sister Has Mad Skillz,  Shameless Promotion

    This Post Is Brought To You By The Letter R.

    I was reading one of my favorite blogs when I discovered what *might* be a meme. I’m not sure, though. I actually volunteered for it and will not tag anyone at the end of this post either. Therefore, you yourselves can decide if it is a true meme. Basically, you get a random letter of the alphabet assigned to you, and you write about ten things that start with that letter, things that you just adore. After I finished reading the post over at Eternally Huckdoll (LOVE her.), I left a comment basically saying, “Yeah, gimme a letter!” Huckdoll gave me “R”. I was really excited, because I thought, “I…

  • Amazing People,  Friends,  Shameless Promotion,  Spreading the Bloggie Love

    Totally Thankful For These Shout-outs!

    I have to thank the lovely Andie down there in Naw’lins at Sweet.Southern.Spirited for awarding me with this beauty: Isn’t it pretty? Here’s what I have to do. (I guess if I don’t do the following things, the grim reaper of blogging awards might come and take it away or something! Plus, I’m mostly a rule-follower so here we go…) List 6 things that make you happy Pass the award on to 6 bloggers for Kreativ.Link to the blogger who gave you the award.Link to the blogs receiving the award.Notify the recipients. Six things that make me happy:1. My family2. Free time3. When I get the go-ahead on an article…

  • Amazing People,  Best Thing Ever,  Shameless Promotion,  Spreading the Bloggie Love

    It Was Less of An Extreme Makeover & More Like Botox, But Still Feels Like a New Blog!

    And unlike a Botox-injecting celebrity, I *do* want you to notice! How’s it look? For the last few months, I have been absolutely dying to renovate this blog (mainly the background, because the shade of blue I had on here was driving me crazy), especially since I’ve seen some great makeovers on some of your blogs, like this one, this one, and this one. The problem? I had to work with my header, which I definitely wanted to keep because I think it’s absolutely perfect. And then it became a perfect problem when figuring out the rest…but I made it through. I have been laboring away at this new look…

  • Friends,  Shameless Promotion,  Spreading the Bloggie Love

    Yet Another Feather In My Cap

    I want to shout out a big “Hello, how ya doin?” to my visitors from In A Martucci Minute! If you’re looking for the meat-touching post, it’s the next one down…or you can just click here. For my own regular readers, I have to tell you the story of what happened yesterday (you can read Kim’s version by clicking that first link up there!). I had just come home from yelling at that angry, meat-touching woman and was sitting at the computer, starting to blog about it, when I heard from Kim: “I am toying around with the idea of wearing LEG WARMERS on tv tomorrow (!) Melissa (She has…

  • Friends,  Shameless Promotion,  Too Funny To Ignore

    Next, Maybe A Voice-over Role In the Next Pixar Feature?

    So I went ahead and listed my lovely (if I do say so myself) phone voice in my birthday post (#34), and fame came a’callin. Alright, fame’s name is actually Kim Martucci, otherwise known as “Weather Kim”, otherwise known as the meteorologist for WUSA-9 in Washington DC, otherwise known as a frequent Suburban Scrawl visitor. By the way, don’t confuse Kim with Angie Goff, Traffic Anchor for the same morning news on the same station, you know, the one who put her hand on Julesie‘s cheek in my crazy Gwen Stefani dream and got super close to the other cheeks of Richard Simmons in her broadcast studio: Kim needed somebody…