• Random Thoughts,  Shameless Promotion

    Better Late Than Never

    Okay, until today it’s been more than two months since I’ve updated my other blog. Even longer than that if you count posting anything of real substance. I have a big list of things I want to post on there, but not enough time in my day-to-day to do it the way I want. I’m hopeful that I will get back to regular posting over there soon. In the meantime, I just posted something amazing over there. If you have about eleven minutes to spare and you’re not anywhere where it would be a bad thing to sob your face off, check it out. Click here. Didn’t know I had…

  • Shameless Promotion

    Now I’m Really Out There…

    Oh my. I was just checking the stats on my other blog, you know, the one about my book, and discovered via the referral information that the interview I did with Dogcast Radio is now “out there”. YIKES! So…if you want to take a listen, go here. Many thanks to Julie of Dogcast: she is truly a delight! (and she’s British, which was thrilling for me, as you can imagine! Bwahahahaha!

  • Friends,  Shameless Promotion

    A Lovely Tribute!

    After recently winning a copy of my book, Jules at Just Because took the time to write a beautiful Haiku about it for Haiku Friday. I am honored that she did it and appreciate it so much! To read it, click here. Thanks Jules!! You’re awesome!

  • Random Thoughts,  Shameless Promotion

    Shameless Plug, Part Two (or, “Dragging This Out For One Extra Day”)

    Thanks for everyone’s nice comments! I really, really, really feel all warm and fuzzy with everyone’s enthusiasm. Two additions to my book information: 1. If you would like the html coding to put a cute little amazon link to my book on your blog (see mine on the right!), e-mail me and I will not only be happy to send it to you, but will also think about you every night as I am spraying my pillow mist. 2. I forgot to mention that my book is still a part of Amazon’s “4 for 3” special, meaning that you can buy any combination of 4 books that are classified as…

  • Shameless Promotion,  Writing

    Shameless Plug

    Now that the holidays are over, it’s time for me to get back to business on a few things, one of them being writing (yay!), and I’m not just talking about bloggin’! The three magazine articles which I’ve already gotten assignments for are calling me, and (I’m putting it out in the universe not as a resolution but as a commitment) I plan to send off several queries to some new magazines by this Monday. The other piece of “business” I need to get back to is promoting my book, Remembering Ruby: For Families Living Beyond the Loss of a Pet. Many of you knew me from my other blog…