• Best Thing Ever,  Friends,  Spreading the Bloggie Love

    Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Kat*!

    Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, meine Katikat! Es tüt mir leid, das mein Deutsch nicht so gut ist; aber für dich, werde ich mein Bestes tun. Ich schickte dich ein Geschenk, und ich habe auch ein Geschenk hier. Zuerst, dieses Lied (Spliff: “Herzlichen Glückwunsch”): 1983 kaufte ich ihre Musik in Deutschland. Ein anderer Liebling, UKWs “Sommersprossen”: Mein Lieblingsteil ist: “Tina – ist das nicht primawas für ein Klima;haben wir hier schlechtes Klimafahren wir sofort nach Lima.” LOL Wieder, am besten Wünsche auf deinen Geburtstag. Ich hoffe, dass du den Tag genießen. Ich sende dich viele Umarmungen. *Today is my evil German twin sister’s birthday. I haven’t yet figured out how I…

  • Random Thoughts,  Spreading the Bloggie Love

    Who Wants a Clean House?

    I do. But I don’t just want a Clean House (and believe me, if you are familiar with that show–one of my faves–you can rest assured that my house does not have nearly enough clutter to qualify, thank goodness), but I want a Cleaner-looking Blog. The look of my blog has been bothering me for a while and, though I’m not yet ready to put on my construction hat tiara and renovate completely, I have made a couple of fun (for me) changes. Rather than keep my basic blogroll and lovely awards that have been bestowed upon this page, I have packed them up and moved them to another page.…

  • Spreading the Bloggie Love

    Cinderella Sarah and Her Tiara

    I absolutely love to hear about the way you people out there use your tiaras–real or imaginary. It entertains me to no end. That is why I was so very happy that I checked in on Suburban Rage a few days ago, before a certain post dropped off the page. Not only is there a photo of Sarah wearing her tiara (ha ha, I’m a poet and didn’t know it!), but she gave me a little shout-out as well. This is one of the most tiara-entertaining photos I have ever seen. Check it out by clicking here! (Nice job, Sarah! By the way, who took the photo?)

  • Spreading the Bloggie Love

    As If You Didn’t Have Enough To Do Today.

    I never know if you people ever look at my Blogroll, but I do feel responsible for letting you know when I update it. As my list has grown, I have found it more and more difficult to get to all of these blogs on a daily basis, but I am still a regular visitor, don’t you worry! Here’s some 4-1-1 on my latest additions: OMG! (Oh My Goff!) is written by Angie Goff, who is the traffic anchor for WUSA-9 in Washington D.C., as well as a frequent Scrawl commenter and more recently, a gentle sort of Dream Invader. Angie cracks me up and Twitters constantly. She is a…

  • Fun in Chicago,  Spreading the Bloggie Love

    Chicago…My Kind of Town (Part 3)

    We’re in the home stretch! Welcome to Part 3 of Melisa’s Excellent Adventure. If you didn’t read Part 1 and Part 2 yet, go ahead. I’ll wait. After lunch, I put on more sunscreen before heading out. By the way, I forgot to mention the weather beyond the forecast of scattered thunderstorms. It did not rain AT ALL, all day, from the time I walked to the train station until the walk home. I was amazed, and happy. I was also very hot: it was 90 degrees (no exaggeration, though I know you were wondering if I was!). I was sweating like crazy about ten minutes after I stepped out…

  • Spreading the Bloggie Love

    Happy Day, Daddios!

    Just a really quick post today, because Jim’s ideal Father’s Day would not have me sitting here at the computer for an hour… I wanted to wish a Happy, Happy Father’s Day to Jim (Of course) and my Dad (Of course), and to all of the Dads out there…hope you have a great day! If you’re reading this and need an activity for today, go read two of the funniest Dads I’ve never actually met in person (but check in with them daily!), Nukedad* and Joeprah. Happy Father’s Day, guys! *FYI: Nukedad’s post today is actually not funny, but quite serious and beautiful. I wanted to let you know that…

  • Friends,  Spreading the Bloggie Love

    What’s Next, Joep: “J” Magazine?

    I wanted to toss a big “Woot Woot!” out to my blog buddy Joeprah, who made a big announcement this week. What is it, you ask? I’m gonna tell you! Joe is now not only the Master of his own Domain Name, but he is also a featured writer on Examiner.com. I am so, so, so excited for him, because I just adore him and his blog. If you don’t know Joeprah, get to know him! He is a Stay-at-Home Dad, but NOT like this one: He is a 21st Century Dad, and blogs about his experiences like braiding his daughter’s hair or shopping at Target to customize his camcorder.…