Before I get to the cleverness, have you entered to win a $500 Visa gift card yet, on my review blog? No? What are you waiting for??? You only have eleven days left! (You’re not procrastinating again, are you? Go NOW. Click here. I’ll still be here when you get back.) In other news, I’m really excited today because I got the first e-mail, hopefully of many, from the Clever Girls Collective‘s “Clever 1000” group. This is a diverse group of people who plans to work with CGC. All of us have certain things in common: we’re passionate about the connections we make with others, enjoy using social media, consider…
Time For Souvenirs!
First of all, let me thank you so very much for joining me this past week (and then some!) for my “Weather’s Better in the Bahamas” series! I know that some of you may have a harder time letting go, so I picked up created a little souvenir for you: a button! (Woot!) Here’s what it looks like: Don’t worry; I’ve made things really easy for you. Just scroll down a little bit and check out the fancy-schmancy code I have placed in my left margin, making it the easiest way EVER to get your Bahamas souvenir! (and it’s FREE!) Post it on your blog and, whenever you need a…
Wicked Awesome, #1
I had a great day on Saturday; I spent about six hours in the city with Mags, who lives in Boston and has never visited Chicago before! Let’s do the math: Me + 6 hours + a blog friend + showing off my favorite spots in Chicago = A BLAST! Mags is a kindred spirit: she is an explorer, and was happy to be busy for just about every free moment she had in the Windy City. I love that: if you’re going to travel, why not experience as much as you can?? You can sleep when you get home. Anyway, I’ll tell you about my time with her, and…
- Do I Really Want My Readers To Know This?, Friends, I've Got Mad Skillz, Spreading the Bloggie Love, Too Funny To Ignore
This PSA Brought To You By “This Full House”
©2010 Suburban Scrawl
Sometimes Blood IS Funny
If you watched the Suburban WoW livestream yesterday, you know that Weaselmomma and I were headed over to our local Heartland Blood Center right afterwards, to donate blood. We were accompanied by the always hilarious and very excitable Manic Mommy, who was there to take pictures. Why pictures, you ask? Well, of course, for Manic Mommy’s Third Annual Virtual Blood Drive! You can get the scoop by clicking here, and you have until the end of February to donate blood and e-mail Manic a photo of yourself while you’re donating in order to be eligible for the prizes, which include a free ticket from Southwest Airlines! This is the third…
I Hope He Gets His E-mail on a Blackberry or Something…
I really sent the following e-mail: To: Mr. Bill NeelyFrom: Melisa with one S1/19/10 Hi Mr. Neely, I just wanted to take a moment and commend you for your ITN report (it was shown in the States yesterday evening on NBC Evening News with Brian Williams) about the woman who was rescued from the ruins of a bank in Haiti after being buried alive for six days. Your delivery of the report was superior and I was overwrought with emotion in the first few seconds. Your report, along with her rescue, was such a rare piece of good news coming from that area of the world after the horrific tragedy…
Let Me Introduce Myself…
Are you new here? Welcome! I recently made a request of my regular readers and they really came through for me. I asked for help with a bio for Suburban Scrawl, so that new folks popping in could get a feel for what I’m about in a reasonable amount of time, without having to plow through a bunch of posts. I got some really excellent and sweet is what they came up with: *blush* Kat, who is my German twin sister, from In Your Face Suckers:I’d have to say (and you can quote me on that) that you’re the funnest bloglady on the web, with a love for dogs,…
Show Me Your Adorable Face (or something like that)
I just walked in the door of my OWN HOME for the first time since January 3rd and though I want to post about my goodbyes to Bean and Squeaks, I have noticed that it is Delurking Day 2010. Where has the time gone? It seems like it was only yesterday when I posted on Delurking Day 2009! You know what to do, right? It’s time to out yourself as a reader of this here blog. Well, do it if you feel comfortable; I’m not holding a gun to your head or anything but it’s nice to be able to get a sense of who is reading the Scrawl in…
Christmas Time For The Jews
To all of you who are celebrating it today, I wish you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas! I hope you have a special, meaningful, and FUN day with your family. You know what I’LL be doing…
The Queen of Talk
December 11, 2029 I recently found a newspaper article about an old friend of twenty years ago who I haven’t been in touch with for years. I’m sure you’ve heard of her; her name is Weaselmomma. We had some good times back then, wearing tiaras to the grocery store, eating cookie dough, enjoying countless wings at BWW, and sharing stories about our kids. We even did a little livestream show together. Livestream. On the COMPUTER. Remember that? So antiquated from what we do today, with the brain-injecting, virtual reality-style entertainment that is so hot right now. Sometimes I laugh when I think about how we used to actually have to…