• Friends,  Shameless Promotion,  Spreading the Bloggie Love

    Let’s Take A Field Trip (or Two), Shall We?

    I’ve got two posts for you to read today, for the price of one. I know, that price is free. But that only means that you’re getting A LOT for nothing. The catch? You can’t read them here. Let me explain. I’ve got an amazingly clever (if I do say so myself) post over at Music Savvy Mom today. PLEASE go read it, comment, and heck, if you like music (even if you’re not a mom), SUBSCRIBE to MSM. I’ll be posting over there more often (more on that soon), and it’s a really eclectic blog that’s fun to read. What have you got to lose? Anyway, check out my…

  • Spreading the Bloggie Love

    The Day Greta Van Susteren (Probably) Became Weaselmomma’s BFF

    My partner-in-crime, Weaselmomma, had a Skype chat last night with Greta Van Susteren from “On the Record” on Fox News. How did this happen? I’m sure she’ll probably post about that, but if I didn’t know the story and had to guess, I’d guess that Weaselmomma sent Greta a few fan letters, some baked goods, and quite possibly a case of Coors Light, asking if she wanted to come to the Weasel house for dinner the next time “On the Record” does a Chicago show. I’d guess that Greta was charmed by Weaselmomma’s nouveau-Midwestern hospitality yet a little scared by her South Philly heritage, and she got on the horn…

  • Amazing People,  Friends,  Spreading the Bloggie Love

    For Anissa

    On Tuesday, the blogosphere received yet another rallying cry to pull together: Anissa Mayhew, wife, mom of three, blogger extraordinaire, and all-around funny person, had a major stroke and landed herself in the ICU in her new-ish hometown, Atlanta. Anissa’s family has been through so much already. She had her first stroke years ago, and then her youngest child was diagnosed with cancer (and is now in remission). She and the kids were separated from her husband, their father, for months because of his job (it was far from where Peyton was being treated), and they finally settled down, all under the same roof. And now this. I finally met…

  • Spreading the Bloggie Love

    I Found the ONE Use For Those Twitter Lists. (I Think.)

    Twitter recently introduced a new feature, creatively called “Lists”. You would think that, having a name like that, it would be self-explanatory. It’s not, completely. The idea behind it, I guess, is to compartmentalize groups of your followers so if you want to, say, only follow the people who wear glasses, you can now do that. When the feature was made public, panic ensued. People (including me) remarked how this feature has great potential to be yet another instigator of online drama in some cases. Whatever. And then people started having a little bit of fun with it. Rather than naming their lists in inflammatory ways like: ~My very fave…

  • My Sister Has Mad Skillz,  Spreading the Bloggie Love

    I Promise, This Post Contains No Photos of My Dog.

    Well, it’s November 1 and you know what that means… Lots of things. But one thing I’m thinking of in particular needs to be announced this evening: I’m doing NaBloPoMo (otherwise known around here as NaBloPoMoFo). What is that? For me, it’s nothing too different from what I normally do, to be honest. It means that I am committed to posting each and every day during the month of November. I post nearly every day anyway, but as Tara mentioned in her post about it today, it’s one thing when you post nearly every day anyway, and quite another when you “have” to post. But I’m in a good groove,…

  • Spreading the Bloggie Love

    Everyone Knows I Like Lists…

    It’s been a busy day for me, and although I prepared and scheduled posts for tomorrow and Saturday (go me!), I did nothing for today. Sort of. I decided, since I didn’t have time to *actually* write something of substance, I would refer you to others. As in, I just finished my most recent update of my embarrassingly long blogroll. The amount of blogs I follow is staggering, even to me, as if I didn’t know what I was doing when I added each one. The size of the list just tick-tick-ticked up there, like a rollercoaster on the first big climb before plummeting towards the ground at nearly the…

  • Spreading the Bloggie Love

    I Don’t Think This Is What Casper Had In Mind…

    My buddy Liz over at This Full House “ghosted” me yesterday, all on account of the fact that she’s horrified that I Skyped her the other day we are totally BFFs. I had not heard of this “ghosting”. Well, consider me educated, and now I’m passing on the knowledge. Basically, it’s a little meme in which you get to spread some bloggie love while simultaneously posting a disgusting picture on your blog until Halloween, so everyone knows that you already have one disgusting picture, and that you do NOT need another. Need more information? The rules are easy: (1) It’s your turn to “ghost” three other bloggers — perhaps, somewhere…

  • Food,  Friends,  Spreading the Bloggie Love

    Sweet Tooth?

    My girl Mags from Ms. Maggie Moo Talks 2 U needs some assistance and I am getting started on helping her by donating this post to the cause. Besides being a totally smart, savvy, caring, friendly, and all-around lovely person, unfortunately Mags is one of the many Americans who has been deeply affected by the economy. If you’re looking for one of those good deeds that will not only really help someone else but also make your tummy happy, check these out: That’s right, Mags is a chef. She is currently running a special “Blogger Sale” in her etsy shop, and for a limited time you can get 20% off…

  • Friends,  Spreading the Bloggie Love

    Calling All Daddies! (and non-Daddies too)

    You may remember, if you concentrate really, really hard, the post that I wrote…yesterday*. My first comment was from a gentleman named Brock, and this is what it said: Thank you! Thank you for acknowledging this scary phenomenon of daddy bloggers being left out of all the fun. Great job with the blog**. It reminded me that I should mention Dad Blogs again, because I haven’t in a while***. Of COURSE there is somewhere for Dads to go (and Moms too; the cool ones, anyway!), where they aren’t left out of all the fun. Of COURSE it is not about Mommybloggers (I intensely dislike that term with every fiber of…

  • Music,  Spreading the Bloggie Love

    My Car Stereo Had An Aversion To Kids’ Music. (Wait, That Was Me.)

    I always have a good chuckle when I read or hear about parents who “have” to listen, ad nauseam, to children’s music in the car. When the boys were little, I would converse with friends about this very topic and they would complain about how they “never get to” listen to the music of their choice unless they were alone in the car. WHAT? Who’s in charge here? I mean, really, I wasn’t a jerk when my kids were little. I did play *some* kids’ music in the car for them. However, I had strict–but simple–standards. Nothing overly annoying (to me), like Barney. We listened to some kids’ music that…